2013 APPLICATION FOR RANGER MEMBERSHIP Ranger membership in the North American Frontiersmen is open for minors below the age of 18 who are interested in working towards full membership at an early age, and are ready to learn the survival skills and personal integrity demonstrated by American pioneers of the 1750-1840 time period. As minors, they need the approval of their parent or guardian, and as Apprentices, they need an adult sponsor with full membership in the Association. This is a first step in what we hope will be a rewarding and life-long journey, a journey that can teach a youngster the meaning of “bedrock reality” and the need to work with other people to survive and prosper. Association objectives are more fully described elsewhere, but in brief, membership in the NAF is a reward available to those of good character and stout heart who are willing to aim at a high target. Our Association stands on three legs – Fellowship, Survival Skills, and Historical Preservation. In order to sustain these ideals, we carefully screen those whom we invite to join our ranks. Candidates will be asked to demonstrate a good deal of willingness and patience. The trail will not be easy, and success will depend on their ability to carry their own weight, take direction, and cooperate with fellow members, but virtually anyone can succeed if they have the right attitude, and we regard it as a privilege to help young people develop their confidence and skills. The North American Frontiersmen is not a rich man’s club, and operates entirely on volunteer efforts with a minimum of expense. However, as in the old days, it will be necessary to make or procure the various items necessary for survival in the wilderness. A good part of the training will be in the use and maintenance of these tools and techniques. Rangers must meet similar requirements as Apprentices, with certain variations due to age and sponsorship conditions. Their Sponsor is the living voice of the Association, and will help them to understand and fulfill these requirements in a manner that does the Ranger credit. If the Ranger’s guardian is a full member, they may of course sponsor their dependent, otherwise they should personally know the sponsor and have full confidence in their ability to watch over and guide their minor. If a Ranger has fulfilled the requirements for Woodsman, he may submit a regular application at the age of 18, noting that the approval of two sponsors is required, if of Woodsman degree. Otherwise, a regular application for Apprentice may be submitted, allowing another two years to fulfill Woodsman requirements. Article III Types of Membership
The North American Frontiersmen recognize the following categories of membership:
Requirements for Ranger (Junior) Membership
APPLICATION PROCESS SPONSOR: Obtain this form from the Secretary or by printing it out. Have your Ranger prospect and their parent or guardian complete the personal information below, remit the fee shown, and attach your letter of recommendation, attesting that your proposed Ranger has met the requirements shown above, and is properly prepared to participate in Association activities, including working on Woodsman requirements if desired. Send this material to the officer shown below, who will present this application to our Council of Elders for approval. Provide your Ranger and guardian with a copy of the NAF Bylaws and discuss what Woodsman requirements are realistically possible to work on as the Ranger matures. RANGER and GUARDIAN: Complete the personal information shown below for our Roster, sign the liability waiver, enclose a membership fee of $25, and return to the sponsor. The Council of Elders will forward approved applications to the Treasurer for deposit of your fees and entry on the Roster. Be sure to keep your address current. You should receive your notice of acceptance, or request for further information, within 60 days. Good luck! SPONSOR NAME ____________________________________________ NAF # ______________ RANGER APPLICANT’S INFORMATION GUARDIAN’S INFORMATION NAME __________________________________ _________________________________ CAMP NAME (opt) __________________________________ _________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS __________________________________ _________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP __________________________________ _________________________________ TELEPHONE (opt) _______________________ (for emergencies)_____________________________ E-MAIL (optional) __________________________________ _________________________________ WAIVER OF LIABILITY (GUARDIAN SIGNATURE). In allowing my minor dependent to participate in Association activities, I confirm my understanding that said activities are inherently dangerous, involving the use of period and primitive tools and equipment, and include dangers from black-powder firearms, livestock, and watercraft used in remote areas that may not offer rescue services. I agree to take full responsibility for determining what events my dependent is allowed to attend, exercising all reasonable precautions to avoid exposure to conditions beyond my dependent’s abilities, in order to minimize undue risk of injury to the Ranger or others. I understand that the Association is not a legal entity and has no assets, and its activities are voluntary gatherings of individuals who assume no legal responsibility for the safety of other members. I agree to provide any and all insurance coverage that I deem necessary to manage my personal and family risk. I hold the Association, its officers, and property owners who allow us access, free of all liability for injuries that may occur due to accident or failure to anticipate contingencies. Signed __________________________ Print Name ____________________________ Date _________ Sponsor as Witness to Guardian Signature _____________________ NAF#________ Date ________ MAILING ADDRESS FOR APPLICATIONS (2012 term)
NAF Secretary/Treasurer
Sunnyside Ave.
___________________________ Updated 01/01/2013
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