Smoke Signals

May/Jun 2011



"Down Home"

1. NAF * The Captain shares some NAF Information....
2. Editor * Buck shares a little history on a correct period pair of coats. One of them he had reproduced down to the last stich.
3. Cunningham talks * Mr. Cunningham tells us about some research he found at a members website....
4. Blackfoot Indians * Discussion in “Anthropological Essays” by Oscar Lewis. Random House, @ 1946, 1949, 1953, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1969, 1970.
5. U.S. 1816 Flintlock * The U.S. Model 1816 Flintlock Musket.
6. Book Review * Elmer Pope reviews of one or more books pertaining to our 1750-1843 time frame.
7. You May Be A... * Elmer checks your awareness as to what you may be...
8. Primitives * Period primitive wares that we have found and feel worthy for your equipage.
9. Living History * List of current publications related to our sport.
10. Organizations * List of current organizations related to our sport.
11. Black Powder Mags * List of current magazines related to our sport.
12. Merchants/Suppliers * List of current merchants & suppliers related to our sport.
13. Archiving Early America * Here's a unique array of primary source material from 18th Century America.


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come warm yourself friends