The North American Frontiersmen




Smoke Signals

May/Jun 2011

Captain - Staff Writer



Our on-line magazine suddenly found itself without an editor and no such talent in sight when Buck Conner stepped forward and said he’d see what he could do. . . .once again!

Well, take a look. With pictures that constantly change, a format that is full, thoughtful and scintillating articles, I believe Smoke Signals is a jewel. Fun, informative and entertaining. One thing that we would like is to have all our members, spouses included send us encampment/rendezvous pictures of themselves to add to our website with the constantly changing format. That would be fun for everyone to see themselves on the Internet and in the NAF magazine.



One of the things that happened in the change   of editors is that some items were lost, not the least of which was the ad for the national NAF rendezvous in California just outside of Hollister. For those of you who want to attend but do not have the map or dates or location or whatever, you should get in touch with the western Factor, Tom Casselman. He will be happy to get it to you.

That California rendezvous is shaping up to be  a dandy. It is on private land that has lots of advantages over many other places where rendezvous have been held. Trees, grass, privacy—not much more that a person could ask. I hope to see plenty of you there.

Recently, my fairer half and I made a trip into southwest Arizona. It had been cool up here in the Rocky Mountains of western Colorado and we thought perhaps a little warming up might be in order. We were right! Problem was, for most of the trip the weather wasn’t as good as what we left behind us. But there was cheer to  be had. As we sort of stumbled onto things in  the towns we passed through, we discovered little gems that we hadn’t known about. For example, Wickenberg AZ, much to our delight, has some really, really, good places to eat. Not only that, they have a gun show that was going on while we were there that is, thought small, filled with some choice firearms. Best of all, the folk there are willing to haggle. (I saw a sign at   a trader’s tent a couple years ago that said, For our customer’s convenience all prices have been pre-haggled). Not only that, but they seemed willing to point out good buys that others there had.

We eventually straggled into Brenda, AZ to visit with the Chief Factor, Bob Loyd and his wonderful wife, Nancy. After visiting for a while, Bob got us into a place about 25 miles away that you may have heard of: Quartzite.


It’s something that everyone should do once. Imagine your favorite swap meet or yard sale on a scale that defies description. I mean really defies description. There are people selling every imaginable thing under the sun (yeah, the Arizona sun). Acres and acres of stuff. Some out in the open, some under tents, some half and half. Some of the sellers were beady eyed, claw-fingered traders but most were friendly, happy, interesting people, glad to see you even if you weren’t going to buy anything. Of course, it is next to impossible to get out of there without buying something. There is just no way to walk through it all without finding something for your possibles pouch or rifle bag or camp gear. Ask Howdy when you see him at rendezvous. He had the experience this spring. It’s quite a place down there. Some winter you should try it.

On the way home I noticed that the price of gasoline was inching up. The vehicle I was driving did at best nine and a half miles to the gallon so I was quite sensitive to prices. I’ve been hearing people talking about how the high cost is affecting their summer plans. With the western rendezvous being held near Round Up, Montana—which is a loooong way from anywhere—I’ve heard some folks who try to attend each year say they are afraid they won’t make it. 

The cost of fuel is just too high. I hope that NAF members can find a way to the California doings. Perhaps by car-pooling or volume ticket buying groups can make it. I know that Bob Loyd and I are trying to get a group together to help defray costs. We may all have to meet at some spot on the way, but we’re working hard to figure it out. I sure hope all of you will, too.
In the interim, I remain

Yr Hmbl, Ob’t Etc. Bill Cunningham



Treasurer - Secretary

  • Our balance for the NAF account stands $1602.17 as of this issue.
  • We are paying $4.95 a month for the Smoke Signals web site.
  • I have the duties of Secretary - Treasurer, which will entail updating the roster, receiving funds, making reimbursements etc.
 NAF Secretary-Treasurer
Patrick Quilter
639 Thalia St
Laguna Beach, CA, 92651

 Y'r Sv't  Pat Quilter




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