To all my NAF brothers and sisters,
I received this email from NAF/AMM brother Mike Dempsey, he sent a flyer but for whatever reason my computer
wouldn't let me post it. But I was able to at least get the words from it and that is below the email. For more
information or if you have any questions call Mike or Dave at the numbers below. I thank you kindly for your time.
Hey Tom,
Hope all is well. I just set up a winter camp at Don Morgan's for January 15 - 18. Yes, this is an AMM and invited
guest event and as organizer and booshway I would like to extend an official invitation to NAF members. This will
be a primitive pre-1830 event. I have attached a flyer, please post the invitation and flyer on the Facebook page.
Merry Christmas!
Mike Michael Dempsey
Words from the flyer
AMM WINTER CAMP A pre 1830 primitive* camp open to all AMM members and their guests.
January 15 – 18, 2016 At Don Morgan’s in Tehachapie, CA
Booshway: Mike Dempsey 805-345-0006
Segundo: Dave “Lost and Found” Hood 858-243-6440
Archery Contest - Walk-Through - Hawk and Knife Throw - Whiskey Tent And General Lying and Story Tellin”
Everyone is requested to bring a blanket prize and a few pieces of good wood for the whiskey tent stove.
*If you have a question contact the Booshway or Segundo.