Greetings Friends:
I am hoping all of you enjoyed Thanksgiving. We have much
to be grateful for. Here in California the drought
continues. They are hinting at an El Nino condition for
the winter, but not a lot of rain yet. If I sound like the
Saturday evening news weather man, it is because we are
hobbled by drought conditions as to places to hold our
encampments and other NAF related events. The National
forests remain closed to campfires and/or shooting, and we
are still looking/hoping to find a private property which
will accommodate our humble needs. Good news, however! We
have been offered the use of Don Morgan's property near
Tehachapi, Ca. for an encampment in January. The dates are
the 16th through the 19th. This area is considered high
desert, so the weather for that time of the year should be
nice days and cold nights. The information I received said
campfires will be permitted, so bring some firewood, por
favor. Water as well. Thanks to Don! More information
should be forthcoming. Meanwhile, if you need more
information, contact the Captain or myself.
I have not heard from any other party's regarding news
pertaining to the NAF, so I have little more to report.
I am hoping for more activity in 2015. As information is
sent to me regarding camps and events, I will forward it
to the membership. This newsletter depends on input from
the members, so input, dammit! Lets get the NAF in high
gear for 2015.
God Bless and Happy Holidays!
George Thompson, Chief Factor