Migration of North and South America
and skeletal remains of Cro-Magnon (modern man) did not
appear in Africa until about 50000 B.C.. By 40000 B.C.,
there was abundant evidence of modern man in southwestern
Europe and across Eurasia. Within a couple of thousand
years, the Cro-Magnons obliterated the Neanderthals that had
been in Eurasia for 80,000 plus years.
the end of the last Ice Age (late Pleistocene period),
lowering sea levels created a land mass between Siberia and
Alaska. The 580,000 square mile land mass was called
Beringia. The Beringia land mass was an area about twice the
size of Texas. The lowering sea levels that created Beringia
provided a fifty-five mile long "land bridge"
between Siberia and North America....Bering Strait.
the University of Colorado's Institute of Arctic and Alpine
Research Center, radiocarbon dating by Dr. Scott Elias has
shown lowering sea levels created this land bridge about
14000 B.C. By 10500 B.C., rising sea water had submerged the
Beringia land bridge beneath the Bering Strait...these
studies indicate the land bridge existed about 3500 years.
Based on plant life from sea-core samples, Dr. Ellis
believes the area was covered with tundra plants and shrubs.
His findings indicate Beringia was unsuitable for extended
habitation by large grazing animals.
Beringia -
13500 B.C., an ice free corridor developed in Alaska along
the Yukon River. This ice free corridor allowed migrating
animals and hunter-gatherers to move across Beringia and
down the Yukon Valley. According to Jared Diamond, nothing
moved from Alaska across the glacial ice sheets to the Great
Plains south of Edmonton, Canada until the Yukon Valley was
free of ice.
Bering Strait Land Bridge and the Migration of Early Indians
- Jose Arredondo
evidence links Native American populations to Asia and
eastern Siberia populations. American Indians resemble some
Asian populations in outward appearance, in the distribution
of blood group types, and in genetic composition as
reflected by molecular data, such as DNA (Cordell,
and Dillehay believe the indigenous peoples that eventually
populated the Americas occurred in three separate
Amerind (Paleo-Indians) migration, which includes most
Native Americans south of the Canadian border, commenced
around 11500 B.C..
Na-Dene migration occurred between 10000 B.C. and 8000
B.C.. The Athapascan speaking populations of Canada and
the United States belong to this group of migrants. From
the Athapascan migrants, the Apache and Navajo reached the
southwestern United States between 1300 and 1400 A.D..
third migration around 3000 B.C. included the Aleuts and
Eskimos of Alaska, Canada, and the Aleutian Islands.
should be noted the time period of migration into the
Americas is a subject of heated debate among archeologists.
In his book Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond
notes if Native Americans moved southward from the Great
Plains area at a rate of eight-miles per year they would
reach the tip of South America within a thousand years.
Based on this, the earliest arrival there by migrating Paleo-Indians
would be 10500 B.C..
problem is, Monte Verde, a well-studied site in central
Chile is dated at 12500 B.C. (Dillehay, Paleoamericans). If
Dr. Ellis radiocarbon dating is right and the 12500 B.C.
date is correct, the only way these people could have gotten
there was by some type of watercraft. Archeologist Jim Dixon
believes costal migration from Siberia to the tip of South
America began as early as 14000 B.C..
is evidence of interaction between the peoples of Americas
and Europe long before Christopher Columbus discovered
America, as well as, indications of direct contacts between
Polynesian cultures and those in the Americas. Most scholars
accept the influence of Polynesian and even Asian cultures
on pre-Columbian American cultures, but many are skeptical
of African or European influence...this is hard to
Olmec of Mexico and Central America developed a
political-religious center between 1200 B.C. and 900 B.C.
Around this center was six colossal basalt heads. These
heads measured eight to nine feet in height and weighed
twenty to forty tons. The heads were carved from stone
obtained 50 miles or more from the center. There seems
little doubt the features of the statues are of African
findings for European influence includes Roman coins found
in Venezuela. A painting of a pineapple on a wall in
Pompeii; pineapples were indigenous to the Western
Hemisphere. A clay head in a twelfth-century tomb in
Mexico was made in third-century Rome.
with all “scientific discoveries”, the data is subject
to interpretation, as is the arrival of early humans in the
Americas...the date varies from 50000
B.C. to 11500 B.C..
Paleo-Indian period, 11500 B.C. to 8000B.C.
ice free corridor in the Yukon Valley allowed animals and
the Paleo-Indian hunter-gathers to migrate onto the
grasslands south of Edmonton, Canada. This grassland (Great
Plains or Prairie) stretched from Edmonton, Canada to the
tree line in central Texas. On the west, it was bounded by
the Rocky Mountains and on the east by the tree line along
the Mississippi River. The Great Plains covers an area close
to 500 million acres.
to venture out on the prairie with its violent storms and
lack of shelter, the Paleo-Indians stayed close to the east
side of the Continental Divide as far south as Texas. With
plenty of game in this vast area, the majority of the Paleo-Indians
remained there for centuries. This does not mean all Paleo-Indians
came this far south, but from the number of Paleo-Indian
sites in the area, the majority of them did. As several
species of large herbivores become extinct, the Indians
broadened their hunting areas along the edges of the prairie
in search of game.
Paleo-Indian Points
Indians 11,500 B.C. - 10,900 B.C.
1929, a spear point was found imbedded with the skeletal
remains of mammoths near Clovis, New Mexico. Paleo-Indians
occupying this site were classified as Clovis Indians. This
classification was based on the lithic (stone) points
associated with mammoths.
Clovis Point
points are typically relatively large with single or
multiple flutes. The grooved, or fluted, area rarely extend
more than a third of the way up the body. Many archeologists
believe the Clovis Indians are the first known group of
people to populate the Americas. As more Paleo-Indian sites
were located, archeologists set up a stringent criteria to
qualify as a Clovis site. Any site not meeting all of the
Clovis criteria was not considered as being early than
Clovis. Despite this "stringent criteria", there
is growing evidence of small groups of people in the
Americas long before the Clovis Indians.
back to 11500 B.C., isolated Clovis sites have been located
in North America from Alaska to Panama. It is interesting to
note more Clovis points have been found east of the
Mississippi than west of the Mississippi, but many of these
points could have been carried there by other Indians...the
only way to date a stone point is its association with an
organic substance i.e. a wooly Mammoth.
Pennsylvania Paleo-Indian Tools Flaked Obsidian (2007)
Paleo-Indian tool picture is taken from the Pennsylvania
Archeology web page, which is an excellent site. These
pictures are used to demonstrate a real problems with dating
sites based on "tools", and is one of the reasons
some archeologist reject pre-Clovis sites based on the type
of "tools" found. Using pieces of flint as knives
or scrapers does not mean they were chipped by Indians. The
natural flaking of obsidian results in sharp pieces, even
with "thumb or finger grooves". The flaked
obsidian pictured above was picked up off the ground near
Kilgore, Idaho last summer.
next paragraphs is paraphrased from the Pennsylvania
website. Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Washington County,
Pennsylvania dates to at least 16250 B.C. and contains
artifacts similar to those found in Siberia from the same
time period. The fluted Clovis point has not been found at
Meadowcroft or in Siberia. Other sites with early dates
are: Cactus Hill in Virginia 16200 B.C., Topper in South
Carolina 16000 B.C., and Monte Verde in Chile 12500 B.C..
These sites represent evidence of an early migration.
Because there are so many sites dating to the period from
11500 B.C. to 10900 B.C., it is hard to imagine Clovis
Indians appearing so quickly without a Pre-Clovis
population in place.
age of "tools" found in archeological sites is
based on the level of the dig and other material at the same
level i.e. charcoal...but maybe the charcoal was washed or
blown into the wind-water-formed shelter from a forest fire
16,000 years ago. There are hundreds of Clovis sites in
North America, but only a few sites supposedly pre-date the
Clovis Period.
Alternate Pre-Historic Indian Routes - Anthropik Network
in small hunter-gatherer bands, the Clovis Indians followed
primarily herds of mammoth and mastodon for about five
hundred years, and then according to some archeologists,
abruptly disappeared. The Clovis disappearance coincided
with the mass extinction of the Ice Age animals, such as the
mastodon and wooly-haired mammoth. It has been postulated by
these archeologists over hunting by Clovis Indians
contributed to this mass extinction of Ice Age animals.
points to consider for over hunting causing this mass
The Pennsylvania Archeological site states: there are
hundreds of well-dated sites in both North and South
America that date to between 11,500 and 10,500 years ago.
Most of these sites contain spear points with a flute, or
channel along its length; in the eastern United States,
these points are most often called Clovis points.
The North American Clovis Indians lived as
hunter-gatherers in small bands of twenty to sixty
extended family members on the fringe of the Great Plains,
not out on it (Haines). On
average, a family group consisted of eight members with
two warriors. For the sake of argument, lets say several
hundred sites are increased to a thousand sites by future
discoveries, and ninety percent of these sites are in the
southwestern United States. Using the highest figure, this
put the total number of Paleo-Indians scattered across
North America at approximately sixty thousand with
fifty-four thousand in the southwest. Of this fifty-four
thousand, twenty percent are hunters, which means there
were about ten thousand hunters...the point is, no matter
how the figures are juggled, there were very few Paleo-Indians,
or anybody else, even on the fringes of the Great Plains
between 11500 B.C. and 10500 B.C.
The large grass-eating animals lived on the Great
Plains...Indians lived on the edge of the Great Plains.
With ten thousand Paleo-Indian hunters roaming east of the
Rocky Mountains between Canada and East Texas, it is a
stretch of the imagination to think Paleo-Indians had much
effect on the "Overkill" of anything, especially
Ice Age animals...or...any people whose ancestors survived
the walk from Siberia to central Texas are going to
abruptly starve to death when there was plenty of other
animals to hunt.
the Clovis Indians disappear, or did they adapt a new lithic
point and become classified as Folsom Indians?
Indians 10,900 B.C. - 10,200 B.C.
Paleo-Indian site found near Folsom, New Mexico had
different projectile points. These supposedly new Indians
were promptly named Folsom. Points from the Folsom period
are found with the remains of the large plains bison rather
than wooly mammoth remains from the Clovis kill sites. The
Folsom Indians used a smaller, thinner, fluted point than
the Clovis point. These small points were developed to use
with the Atlatl (spear thrower). The spear point from an
Atlatl could be thrown several hundred feet with great
accuracy. The Atlatl remained the hunting weapon of choice
for the Paleo-Indians and Archaic Indians of the southwest
until the introduction of the bow and arrow around 100 A.D.
Folsom Point
Period 10,200 B.C. - 8,000 B.C.
Plainview, or Plano, period followed the Folsom culture. The
earliest Plainview points were delicately flaked spear point
without any fluting.
Plainview - Plano Point
Paleo-Indians of the Plainview Period were associated
primarily with the smaller woodland bison. These bison moved
onto the Plains area from northern Mexico. The Plainview
Indians were the first to drive animal herds off cliffs and
use grinding stones to grind seeds.
Metate and Mano
the Plainview period several other types of points were
found, such as, the Cumberland 10000 B.C. - 8000 B.C. and
the Dalton 8500 B.C. - 7900 B.C. This would indicate various
bands of hunter-gatherers were starting to establish their
own culture. The dates given for the Paleo-Indians are not
set in stone. For some bands, the dates could very a few
hundred years. In all cases, there were periods of
overlapping cultures. This applies to the Archaic period as
Period - 8000 B.C. to 1000 B.C.
of the Archaic Period were defined on the basis of chipped
stone projectile point technology and styles. During the
Archaic Period the climate changed from the cold, wet
weather of the Ice Age to a warmer and drier climate.
Although still basically hunter-gathers, bone fish hooks and
weighted nets were used to catch fish. The range of stone
tools included knives, drills, choppers, flake knives,
scrapers, gouges, and stone hammers.
Indian Points - Knife - Awl
Fossilized Shoulder Blade Hoe - Knife - Awl
Archaic period is further broken down in to several period.
The period from 6500 B.C. to 1200 B.C. is referred to as the
Desert Archaic. The Barrier
Canyon Indians emerged out of this period. The Desert
Archaic Indians were basically hunter-gatherers with more
reliance on gathering seeds, berries, and nuts. The
"Southwest Indian" cultures developed out of the
late Desert Archaic period which is considered from 1200
B.C. to 100 A.D. The Hohokam,
and Anasazi
cultures emerged out of this period. The arrival of corn
from Meso-America signaled the end of the Desert Archaic
Period - 1000 B.C. through 800 A.D.
Americans hunted, fished, planted crops, and created
elaborate stone tools during this period which is sometimes
referred to as late Desert Archaic. Ground was cleared to
plant “the three sisters”...corn, beans, and squash
acquired from Meso-America. Relying more on agriculture made
it possible to stay in more permanent villages. This led to
the develop of pottery and the establishment of trade
networks between the various groups of Native Americans
including those in Meso-America.
Period - 800 A.D. to 1600 A.D.
Mississippian Indians were scattered over a wide area along
the Mississippi River and its drainages. Across the
Mississippi River from St. Louis, Cahokia contained one
hundred and twenty flat-topped
mounds. At its peak population, Cahokia was the largest
city north of Mesoamerica with a population larger than
Cahokia, Illinois - Google Images
evidence suggests Cahokia was a political and religious
center as well as place of commerce and trade. The Mound
Builders raised maize (corn) and conducted a wide trade
network in copper and marine shell. Archeologist estimate
thousands of workers used woven baskets to move an estimated
55 million cubic feet of earth to create the Cahokia mounds
and community plazas.
has revealed a site referred to as Woodhenge. Similar to
Stonehenge, Woodhenge is a circle of wooden posts that
aligned with the sun during equinoxes and solstices.
Mississippian Culture in North America reached its peak
around 1450 A.D., although it lasted into the 18th century
with the Natchez, Mississippi. The Natchez Indians were
first seen by the Hernando De Soto Expedition in 1542.
last point:
of the most confusing things about Archeology is wonder there is so much
disagreement...they can't even agree on a dating system.
(before Christ).
B.C.E. (before the common era).
B.C. and B.C.E. are the same - B.C.E for politically
correct archeologists.
C.E. is equivalent to A.D.
B.P. (Before Present) is used in age determination instead
of B.C. or B.C.E. - "Before Present" is
academically defined as the year 1950, which is the year
B.P. was first used.
R.C.B.P. - Radiocarbon dates or ages, which are constantly
changed because of inaccuracy in the technique.
R.C.B.P. (un-cal) same as R.C.B.P.
R.C.B.P. (calibrated) - calibrated to calendar years.
R.C.B.P. (calibrated) - calibrated to calendar
years...sometimes expressed as
14C yr B.P.
these adjustment for political correctness are not bad
enough, the term years ago frequently follows the date. Does
this mean from today, from 1950, or even 2,011 years ago???
dating is based on a lot of assumption about the half-life
of Carbon 14 in relation to the stable Carbon 12
, such as atmosphere, type of soil, weather, etc,.
These factors produce a relatively wide margin of error in
Carbon 14 dating. Another limitation to Carbon 14
dating is it applies only to organic material such as bone,
flesh, or wood. Radiocarbon dating can't be used to date
rocks i.e. Indian points, petroglyph, or pictographs.
Archeology is...Assumptions based on Association...with few
scientific facts to back up the assumptions.
a candid discussion of archeologists read the Waldo
Wilcox comments on the Range Creek Fremont study in the
August 2006 National Geographic.
settling of North and South
America by prehistoric people leaves many questions
un-answered. One thing known for certain is the Americas
were populated by people...some by land, some by,
when, or why is primarily speculation with no consensus
among the various schools of Archeology.
The Prehistoric Indian
article was written by O.
Ned Eddins of Afton, Wyoming. Permission is given for
material from this site to be used for school research