The North American Frontiersmen Association

A communication link to this organization.


1st Quarter 2013





Greetings Fellow NAF members:

Another year has very nearly passed us by. It can’t be my imagination that the years are passing more quickly. This year has been an interesting one for the NAF. There is never a dull moment.

There is really not a whole lot to report. I would appreciate it if the area Factors could keep me updated on any events in their part of the country. The summer camp at Apache Canyon was the last NAF event in the West as far as I know. The Captain informs me that we are waiting for enough rainfall for the Forest Service to lift the fire ban in that area so we can have our winter camp. This brings me to another issue that I would like to address.

All of us who have been doing this for a number of years have become aware that land upon which to camp and to enjoy our skills is becoming harder and harder to find. Fire bans have almost become the norm, rather than the occasional result of extraordinarily hot and dry weather. It would behoove us all to keep our eyes and ears sharp for a place where we could camp regularly.

Our needs are simple: water, firewood, a reasonable remoteness, and reasonable access. Those items do not seem so difficult to obtain, but just try to get them all together. Another difficulty for us is the fact that we have no liability insurance. Sooner or later we are going to need a place where we can safely rendezvous.

Fortunately, we have such a place for our next National encampment. That place is in Rye, Colorado. I was lucky enough to be there last time, and I am planning to be there in June of 2013. I hope to see many of you there as well. It is gonna be fun.

I am going to close by wishing each and every one of you a blessed and safe Holiday season. Keep your powder dry, winter well, and stay warm.

God bless you.



  • Regional - Western Factor

Tom Casselman - CA
  • Regional - Rocky Mountain Eastern Factor

Don Keas - CO

  • Regional - Rocky Mountain Western Factor

Ole Jensen - UT

  • Regional - North Eastern Factor

James Keller - OH

  • Regional - South Eastern Factor

Harry Carlson - FL


Published Quarterly to keep our membership informed of association status and upcoming events.

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