Nov/Dec 2012






We have a grand total of $1675.47 in the account. 

The word is our Eastern Factor James Kellar is working his butt off recruiting out there in Ohio so hopefully I will have have some new applications to share with the council in the near future (and finances also). 

We were able to get Howdy's grandson Dylan squared away he was awarded NAF number #055 at the level of Woodsman.


Editor's Note

Dylan was an Associate before being sent to the war our kids are fighting over seas. Grandpa lost his original paperwork but luckily one of the Elder's has found them and put them through the process, reason for the low membership number. Several of us have met Dylan over the years and know of his skills learned the hard way with his old Grandfather Howdy (poor kid).


We pay $4.95 a month for the "Smoke Signals" website service like in past years. 

Along with that we cover any activities for the NAF National Encampment along with printing & postage for the NAF Newsletter "Broadside" - our quarterly mailing.

Thank you for your time.

Ian Bond, NAF Secretary/Treasurer

PO Box 464
Santa Barbara, CA, 93102





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