Smoke Signals

Jul/Aug 2012





NAF Captain
Tom Casselman
NAF #123




NOTE: The North American Frontiersmen Association now has a new Newsletter Scribe; our own Dan Miller from CA. He's a very nice guy wanting to try everything we throw at him and is successful with what he has done for meeting his requirements with the NAF. Dan has written on some of the NAF California Party doings seen in the On-Line Journal "Smoke Signals".

Captain Tom


Good day to all my NAF brothers and sisters,

We had some shinin times at the 2012 NAF nationals in Hollister CA. Knowing that we were not able to give much notice and 9 folks that had planned on coming had some last minute things that prevented them from coming, we knew it would be a small encampment but a fun one never the less. We got a new Apprentice Sharon Daugherty and I we got to meet another Apprentice member Dan Miller who came up from southern CA. George Thompson and Chief Factor Jack spent some of their time shooting archery in between visiting with other members. Several hours on Saturday were spent under a shade tree where me and our new Sec/Treasurer Ian Little Brother Bond were charring up a bunch of punk wood, while Little Brother and Dan kept the camp talk alive. Also Dan wrote a great article on the process of making charred punk wood that will be in a up coming issue of Smoke Signals. It was good to get on the ground with George again and every one was happy to see him. His knowledge and sense of humor are always welcome. I had a blast, great place, great friends, great times, great stories and great food. Speaking of food I have come to expect certain foods that are always made for the pot luck at the Hollister encampments, the men from the 3 pines party have always cooked the same stuff. So I always am ready for these tasty meals. Chief Factor Jack Swallow is known for cookin up either his venison or elk tacos, Nappin Bob for his 7up potatoes and Mark Hatfield for his Dutch oven cobbler. I have to say that this time there was no peach or cherry cobbler, and Nappin Bob did not make his famous 7up potatoes, although I was completely heart broken to hear he did not make them ( I waited 8 months to taste them again) he did make up for it. He made up some really great tasting mac & cheese. But our faithful Chief Factor came through as he cooked up some mighty fine elk tacos. I hope that now that I whined in public that Nappin Bob and Mark will make their specialty's for the fall encampment.

Boy its seems like this year is moving along fast and summer is upon us already. And that around this time next year I'll be writing about how much fun we all had at the 2013 NAF nationals in Rye CO. I am really looking towards that one. I will be able to meet many NAF brothers & sisters that I have not yet had the pleasure to meet. So far it seems this is going to be one of the biggest NAF events ever, I have had more members then I would have thought tell me they're already making plans for it. James Kellar is putting together a party in his state of OH with his top students of his primitive survival school, and they are planning to attend.

I would also like to welcome Ian "Little Brother" Bond NAF #128 our new Sec/Treas. Who has been pushing through paperwork at record speed. Ian has been one of my best and most trusted friends for more than 26 years, his loyalty, honesty and determination to get things done in a timely manner makes him the perfect choice for this office.

Just a reminder that when your out on the ground whether on treks or at rendezvous or encampments, look around at the others who are there. See if any of them are the type we are looking for, if they are then don't be afraid go over and talk to them, tell them about us and have them look at our website. We need to get more members especially back east but we want active folks and quality folks. Back east is where are numbers are the weakest and it would be great to get more things going on out there. I am hoping that James Kellar will be very helpful in that area. I believe that the North American Frontiersmen can and will be the best of the best of these groups in the near future, but it will not happen on its own, we must help it happen. We all need to participate when a NAF event is held near you, or hold local encampments in your area if no one else does and let us know so we can spread the word

And as always if you have any suggestions or ideas of encampments or places for them please let us know. We are more active now than we have been in a long time so lets keep it going and get on the ground as often as possible and if you are planning a event or encampment please tell me and or the Chief Factor about it so the we can get the word out to all our members. Or if you would like to have one and just are not quite sure how to go about, then please contact one of us and we will help you get it going. I hope you all had a good and safe Memorial day.




"8th Annual National Encampment"

dates have been set.

Now is the time to start planning a year in advance to make this one in Rye Colorado.

11th - 16h day of June 2013


We started advertising in the Apr/May issue of "Smoke Signals".

  • Giving everyone ample time to arrange vacation scheduling.

  • Plan for different places to visit to and from the Nationals for a family outing.

  • Emails will be sent out listing members in your home state, so car pooling or a caravan my be planned. That's a fun way to travel with friends.




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