

Tom Casselman


George Thompson

Sec /Treasurer

Ian Bond

Council of Elders

Ron Archibald

Council of Elders

George Thompson

Council of Elders

Pat Quilter

Council of Elders

John Kramer

Appointed Positions: *

* Smoke Signals  On-Line Journal Editor

Closed Operation 12/31/2012

* Messenger  Quarterly Journal Editor

Jim Harsh

* Broadside  Quarterly Newsletter Scribe

Dan Miller

* Website Advisor  Works with Journal Editor

Buck Conner


Walt Hayward

AMM Founder r

The founder of "The American Mountain Men" better known as "The AMM" has gone to his welcomed hunting ground in the sky as of this year ending 2007.

"Griz" also founded this organization as well as being responsible for several other groups interested in the mountain man, survival and living off the land.



Ole Jensen

NAF Founder & First Captain

The founder of "The North American Frontiersmen" better known as "The NAF" has had a successful term in office and still keeps working for the good of the association.

Thank you Ole for your dedication.


NAF Officers






Smoke Signals

  NAF Main Page  


A historical quote that we the NAF will display in our thoughts and actions.

"If one can't say something positive about another, then its better to say nothing".

Benjamin Franklin 1768

Updated 05/06/2014