Boone's parents first settled in 1730 in a region populated by many diverse people - English, Welsh, Scots-Irish, Germans, Swedes, Huguenots & Lenape Indians.

Daniel was born in 1734 spending his first 16 years with his family before starting a life long adventure of being one of our country’s first frontiersmen.

Daniel Boone was one of the most adventurous of our heroes, the huntsman from Kentucky . It was John Finley, a fur trader of Pennsylvania that led Daniel Boone and his brother-in-law, John Stuart, into Kentucky by way of Cumberland Gap , on that famous trail which was afterward known as the Wilderness Road .

An inveterate pioneer, Boone continued to move West. After the Revolutionary War, he settled for a few years in Kanawha County , Virginia . In 1799, he followed his son to Missouri . Daniel Boone died in St. Charles , Missouri , in 1820.

Frontiersmen (frdn-tlzé man) n. A man living in a frontier area, an independent individual with skills to survive on ones own ability.

This description says it all “A man living in a frontier area, an independent individual with skills to survive on ones own ability.” Remember the term “man” refers to either sex, male or female that lives on the frontier or borderlands (settlements near by that area). This is interesting when you go a step further, it’s not just the adventurer, explorer or trapper, but everyone, skilled or unskilled that where involved in the development of this land.

This is why the “North American Frontiersmen” was formed to meet those missed by other associations and organizations. Now you have a home that covers all the various labors of the new world from the camp follower to the highly skilled trappers that roamed from 1750 to 1843

The NAF (North American Frontiersmen) is an association dedicated to the learning and preservation of frontier skills and having fun doing it. This is not a group of re-enactors where "persona" is a watchword and the number of stitches per inch an item of utmost importance. Survival skills and the way of life practiced by men and women of the American frontier from 1750 through 1843 are the abiding interest, not the interpretation of coercive rules. The goal is to learn and have fun.

Misogynistic attitudes do not prevail in this organization! Women have as much right in the NAF as men, have the same type of memberships and can advance to the same degrees under the same requirements. Not only are women welcomed here, but they are respected members of this friendly society.

In a serious attempt to prevent politics from ever becoming a fratricidal or coercive force within the organization, the founders of the NAF have written governing documents designed to prevent that. The by laws provide for a weak central government that nevertheless has the ability to prevent the ambitious from ascending to a position of dictator status. They have also greatly hindered the abilities of self appointed "clothing or equipment police" and rule mongers.

A reading of the bylaws that are posted on the Internet, it is easy to see that this organization is designed to further a collective knowledge of the skills and lifestyles of the period at a professional level. Its very lack of "you must" rules, no annual dues, and emphasis on friendship and helpfulness, are proof of the intent of its members to have fun. It is also the only group of its kind to recognize that not every member of the frontier knew all the skills necessary for a reasonably comfortable life. There were specialists then and therefore should be now. The provision for "Master" grade membership - indicating a specialist in one or more professions or trades - is something entirely new to this lifestyle. It is one attainable by men, women or youth, but these attainments will not be easy, some of them anticipated to take five or six years or more of schooling, training, and practice to attain. These Master levels will include all the skills found on the frontiers: blacksmith, gunsmith, tracker, teamster, cooper, cobbler, trapper, guide, tailor, and so on. Each petitioner to these degrees will work with the guiding officers to develop a list of their own requirements and how and when they will be fulfilled.

If you are interested in learning and living history as it happened, not as how some self-important functionaries have determined it must have happened, you probably should give the North American Frontiersmen a look. Membership is very affordable. All moneys collected are totally accounted for and expenses kept to a minimum. Events are fun and membership is designed for the establishment of a society of friendships and common interests instead of status conscious cliques. There is room for a plethora of interests and abilities. What more could you ask?

Thank you.



Questions write to:


NAF Secretary/Treasurer
Ian Bond
836 Sunnyside Ave.
Santa Maria, CA 93455


  NAF Main Page  


Updated 5/11/2014


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