1st QUARTER 2016

Territorial Chief Factor

Page 2

Howdy Friends
I am sorry to report that there is little to report from the membership for this issue.
In January, Don Morgan graciously invited NAF members to a doin's on his property
in Tehachapi, California. The event was hosted by the AMM, but NAF members were 
cordially invited to participate.
Approximately five members showed up, all of them with dual membership. Unfortunately,
I could not attend, but I am assured that a good time was had.
The good news is that, due to the recent rains, the Las Padres National Forest has lifted its 
fire ban, so we can resume festivities Camp Charbonnau. So, if anybody wishes to host a camp
all they have to do is to let Captain Tom or myself know, and we will add it to busy calendar.
Keep us posted on any events coming up and Editor Jim will post them in the Messenger.
The next Porky Doo coming up in California is the Hart Canyon Rendezvous, scheduled for
April 9-17.
Until next time, See you down the trail.
George Thompson, NAF #5  


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