2nd QUARTER 2015

Territorial Chief Factor

Hello Friends,


I hope you are all staying busy and getting ready for your next event. There is not a lot going on in our Association at the moment. I keep hearing good things from Jay Webb back East of the Big River. Thank you Jay, for your ongoing, energetic efforts. We have nothing official scheduled here in the West until our yearly Rendezvous at Hollister, California in November.

We will be continuing to remind folks as time flies by.

As always, I am encouraging members to keep working on their requirements and to plan and carry out small encampments wherever and whenever possible. Being a mountaineer in our day and time is a state of mind as much as anything else. During slack times, continue to work on your skills as well as your gear and other equipment. Get out and shoot if you can. 

There is always something to do or build or a new experience to enjoy.

 It seems that our people are forgetting their history. When I teach school, I am appalled at the level of ignorance of the students. For example, most do not know what the Civil War was, much less what it represented. Most have never heard of Daniel Boone, Jed Smith, Kit Carson, or any of the men and women whom we who are involved in living history strive to emulate. I believe the old saying that if a person or a country fails to learn from their mistakes, they are destined to repeat them. We need to attempt to educate those we come into contact with, by example, what our forefathers dealt with on a daily basis in order to feed clothe, and protect themselves and their families. 

'Nuff said. See you on the trail.

George Thompson

Chief Factor, NAF

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