4th QUARTER 2014



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, or Happy Holidays or Bah-humbug, which ever fits you the best.

Attended the AMM Western Territorial in Oct held at Bent’s Old Fort.  I arrived on Friday afternoon. There were about 50 folks in camp. About 10 head of horses/mules. Group feed was held Friday evening, Darko outdid himself; lots of period correct and delicious food. Brad and Bill tried out their bull boats on the Arkansas. On Saturday there was a “college” given by Jeff Hengesbaugh on 2 of his rifles. One is stamped indicating it was given by Fremont to Carson in 1842. The other appears to be a very early Hawkin. Jeff presented a pretty convincing argument as to its history. A more detailed write up will be in the next issue, I hope.


Bent’s Old Fort Traditional Christmas Celebration was held Dec 5 and 6. The candle light tours held each evening were very well attended, folks were turned away as all the tours were full. The plaza was full of folks all day Saturday. Some of the activities included: freight wagon rides, tally pulling, toy making in the carpenter’s shop, a piñata break, Yule log hunt and burning. There over 1000 visitors for the tours and during the day on Saturday, one of the largest turnouts they have ever had. Good weather, fairly warm but overcast. Forty volunteers were in attendance. Of the 3 toys that were made by the kids in the shop, no parts were left. About 120 toys were made.  


    Bent’s activities in 2015


March 14, 2015 Frontier Skills Day
Adults are invited to take on various roles at the fort for a day. Be a hunter, blacksmith, trader, carpenter, laborer, or domestic. Space is limited; pre-registration required. Call (719) 383-5026 for information.

June 6, 2015 Living History Encampment
A training event for new park volunteers includes classroom instruction as well as hands-on living history work at the fort. Training course runs from June 3 through June 7. For course information, phone (719) 383-5023. Demonstrations for fort visitors are featured all day on Saturday, June 6.

July 4, 2015 Old-Fashioned 4th
Enjoy an afternoon of patriotic festivities including cannon firings, orations, games, and refreshments as the post celebrates Independence Day in 1840s-style.

September 23 – 26, 2015 National Fur Trade Symposium
This triennial symposium returns to the Southern Plains for the first time since 1988! Focusing on Bent’s Fort and the Southern Fur Trade, the event will feature scholarly presentations, informal seminars and living history representations. For more information and to register, visit

December 4 – 5, 2015 Traditional Holiday Celebration
Witness the holiday pleasures and pastimes of the 1840s at an isolated trading post. Period games, foods, and festivities will enliven the fort. Reservations needed for the evening candlelight tours, phone (719) 383-5026 starting November 1, 2015.

Other events that may be on interest  

June 13-21 High Plains Rendezvous, Gary SD

June 14-20 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous, Raton NM

July 11-19 Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, Lonetree, WY






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