2nd QUARTER 2014


Greetings brothers and sisters 
I know you have not been hearing much from me lately, and there are a few reasons for that of which you all will get in a email from me in a few days or so.

By now out here in CA we would have already had 2 encampments.....but with the shooting and fire bans still in effect we have not had any thing since our Apprentice encampment in NOV. If things continue like this we will have to go up to Hollister for our next event. I have nothing against going up there but it is far away from our members in the south and makes it hard if not impossible for most of them to make it. That is why we all love the Apache Canyon area as it is for the most part centrally located so it makes it easier for all CA members to attend. I am constantly looking at the USFS website to see if the bans is up and will let you all know the moment I find out.

NOTE: The National Gathering has been cancelled!


Well that's it for now and as always if you have any ideas or suggestions PLEASE let me know.




We have $1625.43 in the bank. .......

Thank you for your time.

Ian Bond, 

NAF Secretary/Treasurer
Ian Bond
836 Sunnyside Ave.
Santa Maria, CA 93455


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