Smoke Signals

May/Jun 2012


 Cookie Has Recipes

The Old Cook Shares Good Eats

Buckwheat Cakes

(1) Quart of buckwheat flour, (1) gill of wheat flour, (1) quart - less (1) gill of warm water, (1) gill of yeast, (2) teaspoonfuls of salt. 

Mix the batter at night in order to have the cakes for breakfast; if very light, an hour before they are required stir the batter down and let it rise again. 

Bake the cakes on a smooth, nicely-greased griddle and send them to the table the moment they are baked, piled regularly in the middle of the plate. 

Left over batter will serve as yeast for the next baking; store in a cool place, but don’t let it freeze if in a winter camp. 

Bring it out at night, add buckwheat, etc., and leave it to rise. With a little care no fresh yeast will be necessary for the winter.

Recipe origin is unknown. 1840s. 


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