Smoke Signals

Jan/Feb 2012



On-Line Journal Editor

Temporary Secretary-Treasurer



I'm like my old friend Captain Jack Swallow, relatively new to buckskinning when compared to the founders of this group. A similiar back round in hunting, backpacking, and survival skills. I am proud to be a part of the San Juan Bautista State Park doings. The Mission and Park are host to thousands of school kids annually. Several of us spend four days demonstrating the skills that our predecessor needed to flourish in the wilderness such as, setting beaver traps under water and why, loading and firing muzzle loading guns, and starting fire with flint and steel or a burning glass. In addition to this we the "Three Pines Group" do living history the first Saturday of every month at the San Juan Bautista State Historic Park. In the month of October we do The Boy Scout PAC Sky Rendezvous near Bolder Creek California where I teach primitive cookin' to the scouts. Fun stuff that keeps us busy most of the year, but not busy that that I can't help out with taking on the duties of being NAF Journal Editor and the NAF Sect/Treas. for our Association.





Happy New Year and here’s hoping that 2012 is a healthy and hearty year for all of you.  I am very excited about the new year and all the promises that exist in it.   Well you probably all know the results of the election by now.  Congratulations to the winners!  I must say that I am happy to be working together with all of you to improve and grow this great organization.  I am already eagerly anticipating the upcoming rendezvous’ this year and am planning on documenting and sharing with everyone the fun we will all have together.  This will include articles and photographs of any NAF member attending our rendezvous or any information you care to share with us.

We of the Three Pines group are already planning the Spring rendezvous on Lone Tree Road here in Hollister and we will have many activities for you to participate in when you come to it.  I am planning on doing seminars on cast iron care/cooking and Indian sign language.  I have decided to take up the ancient skill of archery (self made long-bow and arrows, of course) and am hoping that someone will teach me how to make my own bow and arrows.  Perhaps this could happen at the Spring Rendezvous’.

I can see that we have a long year ahead of us with lots of work to do.  I intend to spend considerable time and energy recruiting acceptable candidates into our organization.  This will be done at every rendezvous that I attend this year.  It is the responsibility of every member to do whatever they can to grow and support this organization.  I will take this responsibility seriously.

Thank you for your trust and support in this past election.  If you have any comments or suggestions to make regarding the Smoke Signals newsletter please contact me at the e-mail address: .  If you have some talents or time to donate to this organization, please contact any of the officers.  We will be honored to accept your help.

NAF Secretary-Treasurer (Temporary)
Mark Hatfield
NAF #117

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