Smoke Signals

Sept/Oct 2011


Captain - Staff Writer
















Sometimes it seems almost impossible that summer has come and is almost gone. Soon there will be frost on the pumpkins. In my case, I have to look around me try to remember what I did during all that nice weather. I know I must have done something—There are my leathers over there in a corner, my old flinter is leaning against a wall instead of hanging from its hooks, I have no idea where my hat is, but there is my haversack hanging from a coat hook with my powder horns, my mocs are on my feet, and I think I saw my blanket and possibles pouch in the back of the truck along with a small kettle and a fry pan. 

You know, now that I’ve been thinking about it for a moment, I do remember making a camp over in Happy Canyon and another up near the head of Dominguez Canyon. Then there was the archery stump shooting foray. That was only an overnighter, but a good one. By golly! There was also that trek up Calamity Creek looking for the old mine that someone told me they thought was up there. They were wrong as far as I could tell—I found one that was pretty much like they described up under Wild Horse Mesa. Interesting place, too. No artifacts, but a pretty big hole and lots of over-burden. There are a couple of other places I want to check out before the weather changes. Carson Hole, for one, and for another all that incredible land down off the west rim of the Uncompahgre. From the top you can look down to mountain peaks of 10,000 feet elevation. That piece of the country stretches for what must be well over fifty road less miles and seems always to be covered in a blue haze that hides specific details and makes you just itch to get down in there.

I’ve been thinking about a little editorial I read the other day that deals with organizations and why some die while others flourish. I don’t know that I agree with it, but it certainly made me think. It basically tells, in simple terms, how a handful of people are willing to do all the work and the balance of members are willing to let them. It follows that as these people get tired or distracted or whatever, and they drop out, no one replaces them. Pretty soon there is no organizational structure and the member drift away also. If the members are lucky, there will be one or two folk left who pick up the reins and do the work. Soon, a friend or two join in and then friends of those two take part. Eventually, there are enough folks to do the work and chase the dream; whatever that might be. Now the old members who had dropped out begin returning, They don’t want to work—just hang around and perhaps on occasion, bitch about the way the work is getting done. The core members don’t much care—they are busy having fun.  So if you sometimes feel the NAF is wandering a bit, don’t bitch—communicate and let the officers know that you are still alive and would like to take part in keeping the outfit going, even if it’s just attending a camp or trek.

Respectfully Yr Hmbl, Ob’t Etc.  

Bill Cunningham


Treasurer - Newsletter Scribe


  • Our balance for the NAF account stands at $1617.00 as of this issue.
  • Mark Hatfield has been paid the $35.00 for rental of toilets used at the "Three Pines Rendezvous".
  • We are paying $4.95 a month for the Smoke Signals website.
  • My position will be open this coming year for the NAF Secretary/Treasurer. The duties are not particularly difficult but one must have the time to monitor the online email account, and periodically get caught up, as well as an ability to open a designated checking account for our funds, pay bills, etc.
       NAF Secretary-Treasurer
       Patrick Quilter
       639 Thalia St
       Laguna Beach, CA, 92651

 Best regards from Yr Most Obt, Sv't  Pat Quilter



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