Smoke Signals

Nov/Dec 2011


Captain - Staff Writer



















For those of you who live out in the fascinating world of electronics and can therefore read this, here is the latest poop. Of course, in order to really get the methodology, you will probably want to go to the web site home page and dig up the articles and bylaws to see how the mechanics (or procedures) are supposed to work.

As many have read or heard, our long-suffering and talented editor, Buck Conner, had to let go to work on family matters. He is, however, helping the new editor, Mark Hatfield, out in California, get started. Those of us who have been involved in the NAF Smoke Signals are grateful to Mark for taking on this office. It is a job tougher than a plank full of knots. And every time an editor turns around he finds his backside full of splinters. It is my hope that those who are getting out and camping or trekking, those who are researching, or making gear and so on, will take the time to write of these things and get it in to Mark. I can’t imagine why anyone would be in this organization if they are not interested in doing any of these things. And anyone who is busy at them should remember to share it with the other members. That could be considered a Rocky Mountain College sort of thing—sort of like George F. Ruxton wrote about South Park and what the original trappers did between trapping seasons. I’ve had people tell me that they can’t write in a fashion to interest anyone, or simply can’t spell well and all that. I spent years accepting articles that were not professionally done and through editing them made them shine. And I never let anyone know which articles came in shining or which ones I rewrote. Just write it and Mark will take care of what needs to be done, if anything.

Here’s another issue. Elections are coming up. You will be getting notification of who is running for what and when your votes need to be in. If you happen to be a person who is willing to give a little of your time (the most precious thing you have, I know) and are willing to stand for an office; do it! You say you don’t have experience? So what? No one I know has ever been born loaded down with experience. Jumping in is how you got it. Remember when you told your boss you’d like a promotion or applied for a job for which you had no experience? And you fibbed and said you did or you told them that although you had not done it before your record proved that you could? Much the same thing. Go for it—we need you.

Buck has added another feature for us to take part in, in the forum of a message board. Stop by and sign in and become part of our new community at: The 

My best regards                

Bill Cunningham

Treasurer - Newsletter Scribe












Greetings from your substitute Secretary/Treasurer. My heart soars to here that we have a willing candidate to take over these duties at the end of the year, after our forthcoming election of officers. I have barely kept up with my paperwork and look forward to being replaced. I apologize for my slow pace, since I have been busy starting a new electronics company as a second career.

Our account balance stands at $1567.64. Pending transactions include depositing two member fees at $25 each and reimbursing Buck Conner for postage expenses at $22.25. These transactions will bring the balance to $1595.39.

Readers of this report will note that our balance has remained close to $1600 for some years now, indicating that our minimal expenses are adequately covered by one-time membership fees. The NAF is conceived as a volunteer club, with most expenses covered by donations at the time of the event, and other minor fees reimbursed from our fund. Like any such club, our success depends on those with the time and willingness to support our activities, so I appreciate that several new candidates have stepped forward to manage our affairs.

We have long discussed a mailed newsletter, at least annually if not quarterly. This will require someone with the time and skills to issue. We can afford the mailing expense of an occasional small (one-stamp) newsletter, and this will probably help bring in new members.

We are in the final quarter of our current officers’ 3-year term of service, and therefore, please expect a mailed newsletter soon with candidate statements and a ballot to return.

Respectfully Submitted

NAF Secretary-Treasurer  Patrick Quilter - 639 Thalia St. Laguna Beach, CA, 92651



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