Editor - Staff Writer

   Smoke Signals

                   Sep./Oct. '10


We get some real unusual questions from you folks from time to time. I told Bill I was going to address these as we have space and time to research them. Here's an old one asked back in 2008.



This is a reply from a customer that wanted to carry honey in the correct manner, and our reply.


Hey, any great tips on how to transport honey? I put mine in a glass bottle with a cork, and no matter who nicely it's packed in my cassette, it always tips over, oozes past the cork, and gets on everything! It's become a huge joke with my friends. I hate to give up packing it, but even crystallized it makes a mess. Help!




Hello The Camp,

We have used a small paint can, quart size. You can buy new cans that can be fill with boiling water to clean then wash with hot soapy water.

I got lucky and found an old 1830's tin tobacco can that had a tight fitting lid, but only holds enough for a 2-3 day camp or several people. Of course we you it in place of other sweeteners because of container and having no problems with ants or other bugs being attracted to it. On long 2-4 week outings we use the paint can that now has a pleasing dull tone after years of service.

Have carried this in our "mess" on horseback, canoe and just moving from one spot to another and have had no spills in 25-30 years.  Before this we tried a jar like you have mentioned and have had several problems.


You mentioning honey; we were on a month canoe trip and one day after fighting a strong wind and ruff water (making only 10-12 miles in about that many hours), we beached and were laying on the warm sand.

One of our members had just got back from SE Asia and told us about honey being used to embalm bodies until they could be taken care of, said "the honey was cheap - 25 cents a pound."

"Could be boiled down cleaned and reused ?"

Now this gentleman is Mr. Cheap by all means and anyone that knows "Old Rover" will agree. We're laying there on the sand with our butts kicked from such a hard days paddling, nobody can even moves to get water or anything else, after a period "Rover" reaches in his pouch and produces some hardtack and a small can of honey.

It took a few minutes to figure if we had been setup or not with his story, then decided, what the hell we need something to get us moving and ate the hardtack and honey. Within a half hour we were able to start moving and ate more honey !


By the way, honey and almost any natural oil is mixed in a pot in open wards in SE Asia and put on wounds with a bandage to hold it in place. Changed daily, wound heals quickly and cleanly, no debridement necessary. Hydrogen peroxide is decomposition product of homey, as well as other 'good things' that I can't name. Used as far back as ancient Egypt.


We will continue to answer questions that we think will interest our members here and the other ones will be answer by email.


Buck Conner


Now on a more serious note look at an issue of importance to all of us Americans. 

  This is a NO SHIT article that all of you need to read.  I'M SERIOUS FOLKS.  




Firearms are not mentioned as everyone’s ideas are different. I would suggest you use what you have and practice with that weapon to know its strengths and weaknesses. Have an ample supply of ammo and keep everything safely locked up, dry, clean and in good working order.


Plan Ahead & Prepare - Are You Ready?

By Barry “Buck” Conner

Now that got your attention, “Ready for What?” your asking yourself. What’s this about, another one of those me, me articles! NO read on.

We all read about “Terrorism” on a daily routine. Throughout human history, there have been more threats than one can count to the security of nations. Granted these threats have brought about large-scale losses of life, the destruction of property, widespread illness and injury, the displacement of large numbers of people, devastating economic loss and so on.

Natural Hazards, there are many types of natural hazards. These are natural events that threaten lives, property, and assets. Often, natural hazards can be predicted. They tend to occur repeatedly in the same geographical locations being related to weather patterns or physical characteristics of an area. Natural hazards such as flood, fire, earthquake, tornado, and windstorms affect thousands of people every year.

Technological hazards include hazardous materials incidents and nuclear power plant failures. Usually, little or no warning, in many cases, victims may not know they have been affected until many years later. The number of technological incidents have been escalating, mainly as a result of the increased number of new substances and human error inherent in the use of these materials.

FEMA has an excellent website that covers the items mentioned as well as other issues that can save you and your family in case of an emergency situation at: http://www.fema.gov/index.shtm

For years I have read what others have written, seems everyone has a different list of wares, but the lists only vary slightly by personal needs. Being a long weekend, bad weather and having got my “honey-do” list under control, well at least for the minute or until she finds I’m sitting in front of the computer. I thought I would give you some ideas from different sources as well as showing what others have written; a condensed “general list” with “add-ons” others seemed to think important. In doing this, I hope this will make it easier for you in preparing what you need for your Emergency Preparedness Kit.


Let’s look at a few sources;

  • FEMA (our government agency in charge of these disasters).
  • The LDS Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints).
  • The BSA (Boy Scouts Of America).
  • An few of the authors of articles on this subject and their thoughts gathered from different sources.
  • Now how’s that for hitting all angles of Emergency Preparedness, surprisingly you‘ll find all are on the same wave-link.

    FEMA - LDS - BSA Emergency Preparedness

    Each group will tell you of their idea of a “72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit”, in some cases making it sound like they were the first or their idea is the best. When in fact when compared all three have very like items with the same theme.

    Assembling A Disaster Supplies Kit

    You may need to survive on your own after a disaster. This means having your own food, water, and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least three days. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours, or it might take days.

    Basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment, and telephones may be cut off for days, or even a week or longer. Or, you may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take essentials with you. You probably will not have the opportunity to shop or search for the supplies you need.

    An “Emergency Preparedness Kit” is a collection of basic items that members of a household may need in the event of a disaster.

    Kit Locations

    Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare supplies for home, work, and vehicles.


    Your disaster supplies kit should contain essential food, water, and supplies for at least three days.

    Keep this kit in a designated place and have ready it ready in case you have to leave your home quickly. Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept.

    Additionally, you may want to consider having supplies for sheltering for up to two weeks.


    This kit should be in one container, and ready to 'grab and go' in case you are evacuated from your workplace.

    Make sure you have food and water in the kit. Also, be sure to have comfortable walking shoes at your workplace in case an evacuation requires walking long distances.


    In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your vehicle.

    This kit should contain food, water, first aid supplies, flares, jumper cables, and seasonal supplies.


    How Much Water do I Need?
    You should store at least one gallon of water per person per day (minimum). A normally active person needs at least one-half gallon of water daily just for drinking.

    Additionally, in determining adequate quantities, take the following into account:

  • Individual needs vary, depending on age, physical condition, activity, diet, and climate.
  • Children, nursing mothers, and ill people need more water.
  • Very hot temperatures can double the amount of water needed.
  • A medical emergency might require additional water.
  • How Should I Store Water?
    To prepare safest and most reliable emergency supply of water, it is recommended you purchase commercially bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and do not open it until you need to use it. Observe the expiration or “use by” date.

    If You Are Preparing Your Own Containers of Water
    It is recommended you purchase food-grade water storage containers from surplus or camping supplies stores to use for water storage. Before filling with water, thoroughly clean the containers with dishwashing soap and water, and rinse completely so there is no residual soap. Follow directions below on filling the container with water.

    If you choose to use your own storage containers, choose two-liter plastic soft drink bottles – not plastic jugs or cardboard containers that have had milk or fruit juice in them. Milk protein and fruit sugars cannot be adequately removed from these containers and provide an environment for bacterial growth when water is stored in them. Cardboard containers also leak easily and are not designed for long-term storage of liquids. Also, do not use glass containers, because they can break and are heavy.

    If Storing Water in Plastic Soda Bottles, Follow These Steps
    Thoroughly clean the bottles with dishwashing soap and water, and rinse completely so there is no residual soap. Sanitize the bottles by adding a solution of 1 teaspoon of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to a quart of water. Swish the sanitizing solution in the bottle so that it touches all surfaces. After sanitizing the bottle, thoroughly rinse out the sanitizing solution with clean water.

    Filling Water Containers
    Fill the bottle to the top with regular tap water. If the tap water has been commercially treated from a water utility with chlorine, you do not need to add anything else to the water to keep it clean. If the water you are using comes from a well or water source that is not treated with chlorine, add two drops of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to the water. Tightly close the container using the original cap. Be careful not to contaminate the cap by touching the inside of it with your finger. Place a date on the outside of the container so that you know when you filled it. Store in a cool, dark place. Replace the water every six months if not using commercially bottled water.


    The following are things to consider when putting together your food supplies:

  • Avoid foods that will make you thirsty. Choose salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals, and canned foods with high liquid content.
  • Stock canned foods, dry mixes, and other staples that do not require refrigeration, cooking, water, or special preparation. You may already have many of these on hand. (Note: Be sure to include a manual can opener.)
  • Include special dietary needs.
  • _______________________________________

    Basic Disaster Supplies Kit The following items are recommended for your basic “72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit”:

    Maintaining Your Disaster Supplies Kit

    Just as important as putting your supplies together is maintaining them so they are safe to use when needed. Here are some tips to keep your supplies ready and in good condition:

  • Keep canned foods in a dry place where the temperature is cool.
  • Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers to protect from pests and to extend its shelf life.
  • Throw out any canned good that becomes swollen, dented, or corroded.
  • Use foods before they go bad, and replace them with fresh supplies.
  • Place new items at the back of the storage area and older ones in the front.
  • Change stored food and water supplies every six months. Be sure to write the date you store it on all containers.
  • Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family needs change.
  • Keep items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers, such as an unused trashcan, camping backpack, or duffel bag.

  • "I opened and checked our 72 hour kit (it has been more than three years) pop-top cans of fruit had exploded and covered all other items with sticky sugar juice. The top seals are not as strong as a normal cans because the tuna, canned beef and spagettios were FINE!"

  • Update your first aid kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to replenish - check all supplies. Expired or contaminated items should be replaced.


    As mentioned the Boy Scouts of America have preached “BE PREPARED” since first organizing back in 1910. WOW they’re a 100 years old this year. Every boy that has joined as been taught to take care of himself and others.

    Boy Scouts of America - Emergency Preparedness Kit

    BSA statement: Emergency management, emergency preparedness, and disaster services are common throughout the United States—we take care of each other. By whatever name, these activities encompass mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery related to any kind of disaster, whether natural, technological, or national security. Emergency preparedness means being prepared for all kinds of emergencies, able to respond in time of crisis to save lives and property, and to help a community—or even a nation—return to normal life after a disaster occurs.

    It is a challenge to be prepared for emergencies in our world of man-made and natural phenomena. The Emergency Preparedness BSA program is planned to inspire the desire and foster the skills to meet this challenge in our youth and adult members so that they can participate effectively in this crucial service to their families, communities, and nation. From its beginning, the Scouting movement has taught youth to do their best, to do their duty to God and country, to help others, and to prepare themselves physically, mentally, and morally to meet these goals. The basic aims of Scouting include teaching youth to take care of themselves, to be helpful to others, and to develop courage, self-reliance, and the will to be ready to serve in an emergency.

    Individual Preparedness

    The primary emphasis of this initial step in the program is to train members to be mentally and emotionally prepared to act promptly and to develop in them the ability to take care of themselves. Teaching young people to know and be able to use practical survival skills when needed is an important part of individual preparedness.

    Family Preparedness

    Since family groups will be involved in most emergency situations, this part of the plan includes basic instructions to help every Scouting family prepare for emergencies. Families will work together to learn basic emergency skills and how to react when faced with fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, explosions, warning signals, fallout protection, terrorism attacks, and other emergency situations.

    What you have on hand when a disaster happens could make a big difference. Plan to store enough supplies for everyone in your household for at least three days.


    Others Ideas on this Preparedness Thing.

    When I started gathering supplies and what was remembered from my old Boy Scout days, I found my memory has faded. Now was the time to start reading what others have written, the more you research this subject the more repeated items are found. At this point after going through 25 magazines with survival articles and cross referenced each author’s list. Like many have stated and I’m a firm believer in “I love getting out on the ground, but I want to return home just as much too”.

    Richard Johnson wrote in: “The Art of Staying Alive” along with some of the mentioned wares were reference to the book “The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive” by Cody Lundin is the Number One book to have on this subject. Lundin’s Number One Rule is “Tell someone where you are going”.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

    Richard mentions dressing in layers that others seem to have forgotten, and practicing reading your compass I found important. Practice your survival skills at home and in the field. Include in your kit:
    • A few trash bags for water collection
    • 25’ of small rope
    • A few large Zip-Lock bags and smaller sandwich bags.
    He lists three ways of making fire:
    1. Strike anywhere matches
    2. Butane lighter
    3. Magnesium sparking tool

    Also listed is using two old film canisters for tender, (1) cotton balls soaked in Vaseline, (1) dryer lint with candle wax.

    • Three foot of plastic tubing for getting water. Potable Aqua tablets to prevent diarrhea.
    • Surveyor’s tape for marking a trail and duct tape for repairs.
    • Mini Maglight, Leatherman tool, magnifying glass, signal mirror.

    Charlie Fox wrote an article titled: “The Wandering Minimalist” along the mentioned wares are his reference to using multi-vitamins for your nutritional needs along with tea or coffee bags to help with your spirit. He likes to take a snack to tide him over when practicing his skills of survival, a jar of peanut butter works well too. Charlie is a believer in “The more you know, the less you have to carry”.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

    He mentions having a water filtering straw in helping keep his haversack light as possible. He also states practice your survival skills at home and in the field.
  • He likes a multi-use weapon, a Savage Model 24 in 22 LR -.20 Gauge he has found fills the bill for his needs.
  • In his area a small mussel shell acts as a spoon.
  • Include in your kit:

  • An Army poncho rolled up, they are available everywhere and cheap.
  • Use multi-use items in practicing minimalist skills.
  • Simon Frez-Albrecht wrote in: “More On Minimalist Survival” along mentioned wares are his reference to using a sportsman‘s blanket (tarp with foil underside) or mylar blanket. He likes a small medical kit, and a good Arkansas sharpening stone. Simon is a believer in good footwear and layering your clothes.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

    He wrote using leaves, ferns, and other soft things for a mattress when resting. Simon use a good wool blanket and sleeps comfortably in mild weather. He likes using the simpler things like flint and steel for fire making. Suggests multi-use tools as Charlie Fox. The less gear carried the better is Simon’s motto. A bottle with a dropper full of bleach is his suggestion for preventing diarrhea.

    Ron Kesler wrote an article titled: “Getting Stranded” along with mentioned wares are his reference to using windproof-waterproof matches and a mylar sheet. He states “Many other items can be added to your kit, if you do desire. However, with more gadgets comes difficulty in carrying and the greater is the likelihood of it being left behind’.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

    Ron likes to carry fish line and hooks, a cable saw, birthday candles, cordage, small first aid kit, fingernail clippers and a small file. He likes using the simpler things like flint and steel, a fire-bow or rubbing sticks together for fire building. He lists char cloth, 0000 steel wool, milkweed down and punk as good tender. Ron mentions foraging for edibles by knowing what is available from your research of your area. A very good suggestion that we all need to pay attention to.

    Dan Shechtman article titled: “Taking to the Woods - Realities and Strategies” mentioned some of our list of wares and reference to a few movies and a number of books for long term wilderness survival along with some real life characters we have all read about. One such statement “Even if you knew what to do, you wouldn’t know what to do.” In a disaster there is no foolproof plan that will guarantee survival for you or your family. Survival will be about flexibility, making adjustments and hard choices.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

    Dan suggests SurvivalBlog.com - look at “Retreat Security: I am your worst nightmare”. This is an eye-opener on looters trying to take what you have in scary times. He writes of using the “cache’ system for storing extra needs like: quality snares, .22 shells, spare footwear, dry sleeping bags, a hobo stove, a shovel, misc. tools and MRE’s. Dan mentions his “Go-Bag” and its contents: Leuku knife, SAK knife, shelter half, snares and traps, shovel, .22LR Savage rifle and a Ruger 22LR/ .22 Mag revolver.

    Scott Good wrote: “Creating Your Personal Survival Kit” suggests mentioned wares and makes reference to using it, he states: “A survival kit is only useful if it contains the items needed. You know how to use those items, and most importantly, you carry it!”.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

    When making your kit use the “3 P’s” 
    • PLAN
    • PACK
    PLAN - Research and prepare a plan of what you need and want to included in your kit that will provide for your survival needs. Base this decision off what you learned from your experimentation. You need to included items that you need, not necessarily, what others tell you that you need. PACK - Create your kit and pack it based on what you learned about your needs and wants. Remember to keep it as light and small as possible. You want to be able to carry it easily and always. It will do you no good when you are stranded in the woods and the kit is in your vehicle.

    PRACTICE - Test out your kit to make sure you know how to use it and that you have packed the proper items for the job, adjusting accordingly.

    By now you should be thinking about what you have, need and how to store it for easy reach in time of need. Or what to carry in your vehicle or on you when out and about. This will take some thought, further research and planning to have what you and your family will need in a disaster, man made or natural.


    I have given you the best of found articles on this subject from several magazines, now here’s an interesting read from the Internet. Chuck Hawes (known adventurer, writer on deer hunting) states:

    I detest backpacks and refuse to wear one. I have a knapsack that I use to keep my miscellaneous hunting gear together, but I usually end up leaving it in the car or in camp and taking only as much as I can carry in a belt pouch or a fanny pack. Gear that I usually take deer hunting includes the following.

    Chuck Hawes’ list of items he carries after years of “trial & error” at home and in the field.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

      Fanny Pack Gear

    I keep the most essential items in a zip-lock freezer bag, which keeps them together and dry.

    These include:

    • compass
    • small sharpening stone
    • Cutter snake bite kit
    • (1-ounce) bottle of insect repellent lotion
    • a pair of leather shoelaces (to serve as thongs if necessary)
    • water purification tablets
    • the smallest Maglight with a fresh battery & a spare,
    • book of matches,
    • pair of tweezers
    • very small first aid kit.
    • pocket pack of Kleenex
    • standard Leatherman Tool
    • one 30-gram bar of compressed Trioxane heating fuel (I have no idea if this stuff is any good, but it's supposed to burn and at least it's small)
    • disposable butane lighter
    • emergency thermal blanket (space blanket)
    • 30 feet of small diameter nylon cord in another zip-lock bag
    • large zip-lock freezer bag (empty)
    • couple of small zip-lock freezer bags (also empty)
    • spare cartridges for whatever gun I am carry
    • wallet
    • hunting license
    • a pen to fill out the tag.

    Fully loaded, this fanny pack weighs less than one pound, so it is not a great burden.

    Knapsack Gear

    These are things that could be handy, particularly if I had to stay out overnight. They include:

    • a set of Stoney Point Steady Stix II folding shooting sticks
    • cloth gloves
    • red felt crusher hat
    • red bandanna
    • light plastic tarp with grommets (multiple uses, including as an emergency shelter)
    • 2-foot square sheet of heavy duty plastic (folded up and kept that way with masking tape--this can be handy to sit on)
    • small square of aluminum foil (folded)
    • package of trail mix (snack food),
    • Accu Filter water filtering straw
    • Coghlan's pocket saw (cable saw)
    • six fire sticks
    • 5-inch utility candle
    • small box of wooden matches
    • BLM or Forrest Service maps of the area to be hunted
    • about 50-feet of parachute cord (this is strong enough to hang a deer)
    • three small paper targets (handy for checking that a gun is still sighted-in, if necessary)
    • some disposable ear plugs,
    • a pint bottle of water
    • an itemized list with everything on it so it is easy to replace as required.
    • I keep the fanny pack, with its gear inside my knapsack, along with
    • Olsen hunting knife
    • Leupold binoculars

    This keeps everything in one place, organized and ready to go. The loaded knapsack (including fanny pack) weighs about 8.5 pounds.


    A GPS unit would be nice, I don't have one, so I carry a small, folding Normark compass about the size of a pocket watch.


    • A compact binocular, roof prism Leupold 9x25's. I use them as both hunting and travel binoculars.
    • I also have a pair of high-end Celestron 7x35 porro prism binoculars, but they weight more than the Leupold compacts, so I seldom carry them very far from the nearest vehicle or camp.


    I carry two knives if you count my pocket knife, which I never leave home without. It is a lightweight, made in the USA.

    • A Gerber with a single 2.5-inch locking blade and sharp.
    • I carry a heavy duty Olsen knife with a 4 inch blade in an equally heavy duty leather sheath.

    I touch-up both knives with a stone the night before I go hunting. I also carry a small Arkansas touch-up stone.


    I prefer traditional handguns, I normally carry my .44 Magnum. Sometimes I have been known to carry a .357 Magnum revolver. These are, of course, the cat's meow for convenient carrying, especially in very rough country, as they are lighter and can be worn in a regular belt holster. But the maximum effective range is limited to perhaps 75 yards, and 50 yards (or less) is better. I normally carry in my fanny back, a half-dozen spare cartridges.


    When rifle hunting I try to carry a rifle suitable for the conditions. These rifles are fairly short and reasonably light for easy carrying, without going to extremes. All of my hunting rifles wear slings for easy carrying.


    For either the pistol or the rifle I usually carry a total (including those in the gun) of about a dozen cartridges. I figure that ought to be more than enough ammo to bag a deer, or fight a small battle.

    * Additional Items mentioned.

    Chuck Hawes’ thoughts on


    I try to dress appropriately for the anticipated weather conditions if time allows. They may seem quaint, but long underwear are great in cold weather. Wear boots that are comfortable for hiking. Select clothes that are quiet and don't make a lot of noise when you move. Natural fibers like wool and cotton are usually a good choice.

    Nylon jackets, parkas, and rain suits are noisy - should be avoided. Blue jeans noisy, so if you favor jeans, wear a pair that are old and soft.

    Wear dark or camouflaged fabric gloves when hunting, particularly when on a stand. We move our hands a lot, and this movement alerts game. Blaze orange makes you stand out like a sore thumb, which I guess is the idea. Unfortunately, while deer are color blind, they can still see a blaze orange at great distances, because its reflectance is like nothing in nature. There are a number of soaps that will help tone down the reflectance qualities.


    Checklist FEMA - LDS - BSA worksheet

    Food and Water
    (A three day supply of food and water, per person, when no refrigeration or cooking is available)
    • Protein/Granola Bars
    • Trail Mix/Dried Fruit
    • Crackers/Cereals (for munching)
    • Canned Tuna, Beans, Turkey, Beef, Vienna Sausages, etc ("pop-top" cans that open without a can-opener might not be a good idea.
    • Canned Juice
    • Candy/Gum (warning: Jolly Ranchers can melt and using mint gum might make everything taste like mint.
    • Water (1 Gallon/4 Liters Per Person)

    Bedding and Clothing

    • Change of Clothing (short and long sleeved shirts, pants, jackets, socks, etc.)
    • Undergarments
    • Rain Coat/Poncho
    • Blankets and Emergency Heat Blanks (that keep in warmth)
    • Cloth Sheet

    Plastic Sheet

    Fuel and Light

    • Battery Lighting (Flashlights, Lamps, etc.) Don't forget batteries!
    • Extra Batteries
    • Flares
    • Candles
    • Lighter, Water-Proof Matches
    • Manual Can Opener
    • Dishes/Utensils
    • Shovel
    • Radio (with batteries!)
    • Pen and Paper
    • Axe, Pocket Knife
    • Rope, Duct Tape

    Personal Supplies and Medication

    • Toiletries (roll of toilet paper- remove the center tube to flatten into a zip-lock bag, feminine hygiene, folding brush, etc.)
    • Cleaning Supplies (mini hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, dish soap, etc. Warning: Scented soap might "flavor" food items.)
    • Immunizations Up-to Date
    • Medication (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, children's medication etc.)
    • Prescription Medication (for 3 days)

    Personal Documents and Money
    (Place these items in a water-proof container!)

    • Scriptures
    • Genealogy Records
    • Patriarchal Blessing
    • Legal Documents (Birth/Marriage Certificates, Wills, Passports, Contracts, etc)
    • Vaccination Papers
    • Insurance Policies
    • Cash & Credit Cards
    • Pre-Paid Phone Cards
    • Bag(s) to put 72 Hour Kit items in (such as duffel bags or back packs, which work great) Make sure you can lift/carry it!
    • Infant Needs (if applicable)


    Update your 72 Hour Kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to make sure that: all food, water, and medication is fresh and has not expired; clothing fits; personal documents and credit cards are up to date; and batteries are charged.

    Some items and/or flavors might leak, melt, "flavor" other items, or break open. Dividing groups of items into individual Ziploc bags might help prevent this.

    Update your first aid kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to replenish and check all supplies.

    Check with your family doctor for any specific medicines and first aid supplies your family might require for an emergency.

    Some items may leak or break open. Using tubes, plastic bottles, or Ziploc bags can help prevent contamination.

    All first aid supplies should be labeled.

    Organized into compartments or sections for easier access when using your first aid kit.

    Standard First Aid Kit Supplies*
    • Container (metal, wood, or plastic) with a fitted cover to store first aid kit
    • First Aid Booklet (including CPR)
    • Prescribed Medications
    • Any critical medical family histories
    • Adhesive
    • Ammonia
    • Bicarbonate of soda
    • Calamine lotion (sunburn/insect bites)
    • Diarrhea remedy
    • Elastic bandages, Gauze bandages
    • Hot-water bottle
    • Hydrogen peroxide
    • Ipecac syrup (induces vomiting)
    • Knife
    • Matches
    • Measuring cup
    • Medicine dropper
    • Needles
    • Paper bags
    • Razor blades
    • Rubbing alcohol
    • Safety pins
    • Scissors
    • Soap
    • Thermometer
    • Triangular bandages
    • Tweezers
    • Prescriptions
    • Consecrated oil
    Additional First Aid Kit Supplies
    • Immunization records
    • Medications for children (if applicable)
    • Fever reducing medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen
    • Allergy medication
    • Antibacterial wipes
    • Antibiotic ointment
    • Antiseptic wipes
    • Band-aids
    • Burn ointment/spray
    • Cotton balls
    • Cough syrup/cough drops
    • Disposable blanket
    • Eye drops/eye wash
    • Feminine Hygiene
    • Gloves
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Hot and cold instant packs
    • Hydrocortisone cream
    • Lip ointment (chap stick)
    • Medical tape (waterproof & regular)
    • Nail clippers
    • Needle and thread
    • Snake bite kit
    • Sterile strips
    • Sunscreen/lotion
    • Tourniquet kit
    • Vaseline
    • Water purification tablets


    This checklist gives basic recommendations for putting together a standard first aid kit.





    Checklist American Red Cross worksheet


  • Read your company's evacuation plan and know where to meet after an emergency.
  • Know where exit routes, stairways, fire extinguishers, and medical kits are located.
  • Assemble supplies in a single pack and have them stored in your desk. Along with your supplies, store a pair of walking shoes.
  • Carry a list of important phone numbers in your wallet.
  • Keep the area under your desk free of waste-paper baskets, etc. This 6 square foot area might be home for a few traumatic moments. If you are not at your desk when something happens, don't count on being able to make it back. Store additional supplies in your car (see below).

    Even if you are at home when a disaster strikes, and your home is well stocked, you may still need the supplies in your car when you have to evacuate at a moments notice. Your house may not be safe to enter, or may catch fire after a disaster like an earthquake.
    Your car will be one of your most important resources after a disaster strikes. Keep it mechanically sound, and pay close attention to the exhaust system. A leaking exhaust system could kill.

  • Always keep your gas tank full! Fill it when it reaches 1/2 a tank. You will thank yourself the first time you are stuck in a traffic jam in bad weather.
  • Think of your car's trunk as a big steel supply cabinet. Keep your supplies in the trunk along with other items like tools, jumper cables and spare tire.
  • Keep the car mechanically sound and ready to use.
  • Keep supplies in the car for use in an emergency.
  • Replace your battery every 3-4 years. In an emergency, your car battery will need to run the radio and heater for extended periods.
  • Have a mechanic check the following items on your car to keep it ready:

  • Battery
  • Antifreeze
  • Wipers and windshield washer fluid
  • Ignition system
  • Thermostat
  • Lights and flashing hazard
  • Exhaust system
  • Heater
  • Brakes
  • Defroster
  • Make sure the tires have adequate tread

    is where you can do the most to be prepared. But remember that you are only home for about 1/2 of the hours in a day. You must also be prepared at work, and have additional supplies in your car.

    Strap gas appliances to walls or floor, especially the water heater. Remember your water heater is a large source of emergency drinking water (securely fasten it), and weighs several hundred pounds when full. A four hundred pound water heater will break gas lines on its way to the floor. Gas appliances are a real danger in an earthquake, and are the cause of most fires after a quake.

  • The water heater is strapped to the wall.
  • Know where to shut off the water, power, and gas and have placed the tools at each location.
  • Make sure your house is bolted to its foundation.
  • Repair defective electrical wiring and leaky gas connections. These are potential fire risks. Brace overhead light fixtures.
  • Replace solid gas lines with flexible lines on stoves, water heaters, and dryers.
  • Nail plywood on top of ceiling joists inside the attic to protect people from chimney bricks that could fall through the ceiling.
  • Anything that would have fallen on someone's head has been secured to the wall.
  • Move the bleach and ammonia to separate locations.
  • Know the unsafe locations in the house.
  • Make an emergency plan and know escape routes and meeting places.
  • Emergency lighting has been installed in selected outlets.
  • Know the location of the nearest police, fire station, and hospital.
  • Know which neighbors have medical experience.
  • Talk with neighbors about emergency preparedness.
  • Your neighbors have keys to your house, and they know how to turn off your utilities.
  • Your neighbors also have a list of your important phone numbers.
  • Your household has conducted a home evacuation drill.
  • Your children know how to get help from neighbors and 911.
  • Each family member carries a family photo.
  • Evaluate what supplies your family needs to store.
  • Have the proper amount of water stored for emergency use.
  • Store emergency food supplies.
  • Store cooking items for emergency use.
  • Store emergency items to use as shelter.
  • Have a first aid kit.
  • Store emergency lighting equipment.
  • Have stored items to keep in touch with the world.
  • Have positioned tools that you will need in an emergency.
  • Store sanitation supplies.
  • Store supplies for the baby.
  • Stored misc. supplies including money for emergency use.
  • Know your house:

  • Place a flashlight or an emergency light next to your breaker panel.
  • Place a wrench in your water meter box located near the street.
  • Place or attach a tool on your gas meter for turning off the gas.
  • Evaluate each room in your house. Ask yourself: what will fall on my head, or will keep me from getting out if it fell? Secure anything you find.
  • Hang heavy items such as pictures and mirrors away from beds, couches, and anywhere people sit.
  • Fasten shelves securely to walls and place large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
  • Store breakable items such as bottled foods, glass, and china in low, closed cabinets with latches.
  • Store household chemicals on a bottom shelf of a closed cabinet.
  • Never store bleach and ammonia in the same cabinet. These chemicals when mixed, will create a toxic gas as deadly as any ever created.
  • Identify the best and worst places to be in your house. Remember that you might not have any choice as to where you will be located when a disaster strikes. The best places inside the house are under major beams that are secured to the rest of the structure, or in strong doorways, or inner structural walls. The worst places are in front of windows, or near fireplaces and chimneys.
  • Make an emergency plan including escape routes and meeting places. Choose both a nearby meeting place and an out of state relative to be your check-in contact for the family.
  • Test your emergency plan with all members of the family present.
  • Plug emergency lighting into selected outlets. These flashlights are constantly charged, and turn on automatically when power fails, or the units are unplugged.
  • Keep all tree and shrub limbs trimmed so they don't come in contact with the wires.
  • Keep trees adjacent to buildings free of dead or dying wood.
  • Store combustible or flammable materials in approved safety containers and keep them away from the house.
  • Install smoke detectors on every level of your home and near sleeping areas.
  • Know your neighbors, and neighborhood:

  • Contact your school district to obtain policy regarding how children will be released from school.
  • Know the location of the nearest police and fire stations, as well as the route to the nearest hospital emergency room.
  • Meet with neighbors and find out who has medical experience.
  • If you are taking this preparedness thing seriously, share this information with the households next to you. The more people you can convince to prepare, the greater your group resources. Remember that you will be called upon by all around you for help, especially by those who didn't take warnings seriously.
  • Give spare keys to your trusted neighbors. Show them where the utility shutoffs are and provide them with a list of contact phone numbers.
  • Ask how to turn off your neighbors utilities.
  • Teach your family:

  • Hold a home evacuation drill to test your emergency plan with all members of the family present.
  • Teach your children how to get help from neighbors and 911.
  • Keep photos of family members in wallet in case they turn up missing.
  • Teach household members how to turn off utilities.
  • In case family members are separated from one another during an earthquake (a real possibility during the day when adults are at work and children are at school), develop a plan for reuniting after the disaster.
  • Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the "family contact." After a disaster, it's often easier to call long distance. Make sure everyone in the family knows the name, address, and phone number of the contact person.


  • 30 gallons per person (2 gallons per person per day for 1 week). This might sound excessive, but look at your water bill this month! This figure assumes that when at home, you will eventually want a sponge bath, or will cook pasta or rice. You might even wash your hair or clothes, and will eventually flush a toilet. Safety Central carries 2.5 and five gallon size food grade plastic containers that are ideal for emergency water storage.
  • A good location is in a detached garage (single story) or away from any heavy structure that may topple over onto them. Remember that your water heater in the house is typically 50 gallons, and may be used as a secondary (only) water supply if your dwelling survives. Additional water should be stored in 5 gallon plastic containers and should be stored in separate locations away from your main water supply (not all your eggs in one basket).
  • Food:

  • Each person or family should have on hand an emergency food supply other than your weekly store bought food. people tend to consume their emergency food supply to easily when it's to readily available like canned foods, mixes, soups etc. That is why we recommend purchasing freeze dried , dehydrated, MRES, type of foods that have an extremely long shelf life that are nutritious and can be stored in the same area for accessibility ,while still maintaining your weekly store bought food supply. Plan for a minimum of one week of food per person, Don't forget a manual can opener! No power, no way to open cans!
  • MREs - Meals ready to eat. These are ideal for inside and outside storage conditions. Remember, the key is to distribute your supplies at various locations. These may be stored in the worst of conditions. Long shelf life with no rotation. MRES are available in our food section
  • Freeze Dried Food- this superior storable food is available in #10 cans Approx. (one gallon) size cans that have many servings in them, and is a great choice for your main (bulk) storable food supply (available in individual cans or complete family and business systems. Freeze dried food has a shelf life of up to 30 years. while the pouched meals are a great choice for distributing your food in various locations just in case you can't get to your main food supply. The freeze dried food pouches are also a great choice for storing in your vehicle, and for camping, hiking, flying or anyplace where a lightweight hot meal is desired. They have a 5 year shelf life, taste great and retain nutrition, texture and aroma. Freeze dried foods are available in our food section
  • Cooking:

  • Barbecue , 40 pounds charcoal, and two cans of starter fluid. Or a propane unit with two 20 pound containers of propane. A propane camp stove may also be used.
  • Store the following items for use with above:

  • Pot and pan for cooking
  • Kitchen knife
  • Silverware. Spoon, fork.
  • Styrofoam cups.
  • Water proof matches or lighter.
  • Zip lock bags.
  • Aluminum foil. A must! Can be formed into just about anything you might need.
  • Shelter:

  • Two person tube tent minimum, larger size better.
  • Wool blanket or sleeping bag.
  • Emergency Space blanket.
  • Instant hand/body warming pads.
  • Propane powered Heater, 20 pound cylinder mounted.
  • Medical:

  • First aid kit. Safety Central has several First Aid kits available. One is ideal for your car supplies and another is ideal for the home.
  • We also recommend taking a first aid class including CPR.
  • Also Store the Following Items:

  • First aid manual.
  • Extra prescription medications.
  • Aspirin or Ibuprofen.
  • Light:

  • Flashlight with 2 sets of spare alkaline batteries and one spare bulb or an emergency light.
  • Lantern, battery, kerosene or propane powered. Store fuel or batteries, but never use fuel based lighting until you are sure gas leaks are eliminated.
  • Long life candles.
  • Water proof matches or lighter.
  • Communication:

  • AM/FM radio. Store at least 3 sets of alkaline batteries for standard units. The best radio is one that has rechargeable NI-cads built in, and may be charged with the built in solar cell, or by cranking on a built in generator handle. We recommend this radio for your supplies in your car as well.
  • Pen, pencil, and paper pad. Store in zip lock bag.
  • Stamped postcards. Store in zip lock bags. Your house might be gone, but if you still have a mailbox, the mail will continue service. An easy way to stay in touch with family far away.
  • List of important phone numbers, including your out of state focal.
  • Weather radio or police scanner. A bit expensive, but a weather radio is a must in tornado and hurricane country.
  • Tools:

  • Fire extinguisher large 5-20 pound, type ABC.
  • Crow bar, 1 ft min.
  • Leather gloves.
  • Multi-function pocket tool or knife.
  • Plastic tarp, 9x12 ft min.
  • Nylon rope, 100 foot.
  • Duct tape.
  • A multi-purpose tool for shutting of gas and water main valves.
  • Portable generator. Make your selection based on what really needs to be powered and the run time of the model. Our recommendation is for a maximum size of 5 HP, 2250 Watt 120vac only. A 230vac generator will require an 8 HP motor, and your run time will drop in half. Typically, the only items in your house that will require 230vac is an electric heating system, an electric water heater, and so on. You need to power a refrigerator, a few lights, a radio.
  • Power converter for running 120 volt items from car battery.
  • Sanitation:

  • Portable chemical toilet and disinfectant crystals. Store in garage away from house. You will only need this if your dwelling is damaged, or if your water supply is limited.
  • Toilet tissue rolls. Store inside portable toilet. Garbage bags. Can also be used as toilet liners.
  • Pre-moistened towelettes.
  • All purpose liquid soap.
  • Tooth brush and paste.
  • Disposable razor.
  • Feminine hygiene items.
  • Latex gloves.
  • Gallon of disinfectant.
  • Baby stuff (if needed):

  • Baby formula and plastic bottles.
  • Large box disposable diapers.
  • Pre moistened wet wipes.
  • Baby blanket and knit cap.
  • Two or three complete change of baby clothes.
  • Misc.:

  • One complete change of clothing for each person.
  • Emergency poncho.
  • Pair of boots each person.
  • Phone change. $6.50 in quarters fit in a plastic 35mm film container nicely.
  • $50 cash min, in ones, five's, and tens.
  • Duplicate credit cards.
  • Photo copies of ID.
  • Spare checks.
  • Spare keys.
  • Information for this list from: http://safetycentral.com/emprepchecli.html


    This is shown for you to used as your shopping and inventory list, hope this saves time and helps.


    Here’s how I am approaching this “unwanted task” called such because we are spooled and don’t think such problems will ever reach our shores.

    1. List your strengths:
    • Fire:
    • Shelter:
    • Water Procurement:
    • Food Procurement:
    • Signal:
    • Navigation:

    2. List your weakness:

    • Fire:
    • Shelter:
    • Water Procurement:
    • Food Procurement:
    • Signal:
    • Navigation:
    Items for your kit:
    • Fire method - primary - secondary.
    • Shelter construction - primary - secondary.
    • Water Procurement - primary - secondary.
    • Food Procurement - gathering, cooking, preserving.
    • Signal Method - primary - secondary.
    • Navigation - method.
    • Cutting - implementation.
    • Sewing - materials.
    • First-Aid items.
    • Carrying methods.
    • Other**
    Field Test, how did your kit perform in the following areas:
    • Fire:
    • Shelter:
    • Water Procurement:
    • Food Procurement:
    • Signal:
    • Navigation:

    Keep your 'kit' small and don't forget to add First-Aid items. This is your last step in being ready for the unknown. Have personal needs and base your wares on those needs and method of carry.

    This will take a lot of evenings to get the basics and then weekends for “field testing” and then back to the drawing board for more thought and research. By now you should begin to see this is not a “grab and run” subject to have to be pulled from your normal routine of life. Just think how upsetting this will be to children, older members of the family and your spouse.


    1. Check with your family doctor for any specific medicines and first aid supplies your family might require for an emergency.
    2. Some items may leak or break open. Using tubes, plastic bottles, or Ziploc bags can help prevent contamination.
    3. All first aid supplies should be labeled and organized for quick and easy use.
    4. Supplies may be divided and organized into compartments or sections for easier access when using your first aid kit.
    5. You may include any other first aid items you feel would be useful or necessary.
    6. A condensed version of this first aid kit should also be included in your 72 hour kit.

    Update your first aid kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to replenish - check all supplies. Expired or contaminated items should be replaced.

    More information is available on the internet using: Internet Searches using the words “Emergency Preparedness” will bring you more information.


    Conclusion -I have realized that I am not as minimalist as I had thought“. Chuck Hawes quote.

    "What happened to the good old days, when you went hunting with a loaded rifle, a hunting knife, and a handful of spare cartridges in your pocket”? BC


    This is our personal list we have on hand, yours will vary with family needs and number of members. We have a number of the items shown by FEMA - LDS - BSA Emergency Preparedness not all items apply to our personal needs. As maybe the same for you, you have to pick and choose what's right for you and your family.


    Home is where you will hold up if need be, those thinking of heading to the hills will be sitting in a large traffic jam and then running out of fuel. Plan on staying home for shelter, if your power or gas is shut off cook in the backyard, use the house for shelter. The same with your camping equipment use it at home to survive.


    We have on hand in our storage room our emergency food supply that’s rotated with the weekly store bought food. This keeps our sources fresh and we don’t have to worry about bad canned foods, mixes, soups etc. There are freeze dried , dehydrated, MRES, type of foods that have an extremely long shelf life, and nutritious that are kept in the same area for accessibility. Our plan is for a minimum of one month of food per person.

    • MREs - Meals ready to eat. These are ideal for inside and outside storage conditions. These may be stored in the worst of conditions. Long shelf life with no rotation.
    • MRES are available in most food sections, sporting goods stores and on the Internet.


    30 gallons per person (2 gallons per person per day for 1 week).

    Remember that your water heater in the house is typically 50 gallons, and may be used. For additional water we use 30 gallon plastic drums made for this purpose. Using the formula above, we have 120 gallons in the plastic drums plus the 50 gallon water heater for the two of us.


    Barbecue: (2) 20 pound propane bottles with another 20 pound container of propane. A propane camp stove may also be used.

    Open fire cooking: I keep an antique large cooking kettle with a copper fire pan and grate in the backyard for decoration that can be readied for outdoor cooking in a manner of a few minutes. A supply of firewood stored near by in a save area of the yard provides the fuel source.


    A 24’ enclosed trailer that has been rebuilt and is nicer than some campers inside is sitting along side the house in storage. It contains a small generator, fuel, camp equipment and tools if needed.


    First aid kit, medications available.

    We have taken a first aid class including CPR.

    This is the short list of what is shown above that’s suggested by groups mentioned.



    Your house may not be safe to enter, or may catch fire after a disaster like an earthquake. Your car will be one of your most important resources after a disaster strikes. Keep it mechanically sound.

    • Always keep your gas tank full! Fill it when it reaches 1/2 a tank.
    • Keep your supplies in the trunk
    • Keep the car mechanically sound and ready to use, have tools, jumper cables and spare tire available.
    • Keep supplies in the car for use in an emergency, on the road or for work.

    Replace your battery every 3-4 years. In an emergency, your car battery will need to run the radio and heater for extended periods.



    We have two vehicles, each has the same items.

    • 25’ of parachute cord
    • writing paper, pencils, pens
    • folding knife, hunting knife, box cutter
    • Leatherman tool, pliers
    • Mini Mag flashlight w/extra batteries
    • small hand axe
    • small binoculars (at least 8X21 pwr)
    • diaper wipes, toilet paper
    • space blanket, ground cloth
    • wool cap and gloves
    • soap caddy w/soap
    • small pill box with meds.
    • (5) sandwich bags and (3) storage bags
    • small compass
    • waterproof matches, magnetic striker bar, Bic lighter, (2) film canisters (1) with cotton balls soaped in Vaseline, the other with 0000 steel wool (fire tender).
    • snacks, fruit bars, nuts, trail food, jerky
    • tin can w/candles, matches, tin pie pan (use for a heat source)
    • 10’ orange marking tape
    • 3/8” plastic tubing 2-½’ long (use for retrieving water if needed)
    • pepper spray (Hornet spray works just as well and its cheaper)
    • (2) snap light sticks
    • (2) water bottles, (1) water filter straw
    • Small First aid kit, medications needed - available.

    All the items listed above will fit in a day pack for ease of carrying if needed inside work location or having to leave your vehicle going to or from your home

    Please don’t just put this on a back shelf, this type of preparedness is needed more than ever before in the history of our country with world situations and weather changes that could happen at any time.



    In the next Nov/Dec issue we'll look at what we have for primitive camping that would work in the just mentioned situation. If you have equipage that will do dual purpose, use it don't buy for the sake of getting something new.

    Buck Conner    

