The North American Frontiersmen





Staff Writer

   Smoke Signals

                   Jul./Aug. '09



Different Meaning To Travel

Hello again friends.

I’ve been asked again to come up with an article on my ‘travels’. I got to thinking about traveling to my ‘travels’, and figured that this is worth talking about. I’ve had some very interesting treks, and most of them required going somewhere else besides home to do them. For this I am forever grateful. By going somewhere else, I encountered other places and other people. Some of these people have become great friends, who I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Some of these friends have been friends a long time now, and we’ve shared many adventures together. I’ve traveled to many different parts of our Great Nation in order to share adventures, treks, camps, etc… with other like- minded folks. This in itself is one of my most cherished accomplishments. If I hadn’t the courage to venture outside my comfort zone, I’d not have so many of the good friends and memories that I do have.

My first BIG adventure was a canoe trip on the Missouri River, in Missouri. We spent the night at Fort Osage in the soldier’s barracks within the fort. We hauled the canoes down to the river in the morning, and 6 1/2 days later we pulled into St. Charles… that’s 310 channel miles, if you don’t know. This is a whole other story in itself, but the point I’d like to make is… I’d never met my traveling partners before. I was about to chicken out, but my good wife encouraged me… On faith I traveled half way across the country to share a week + with fellows I’d never met in person. We corresponded by letter, phone, etc…. And man, did I have a GREAT adventure !!!

Two of the three fellows and I have shared many adventures since. I’ve traveled back to Missouri twice since then, and they’ve traveled here to the West Coast once. We’ve met at several other places also, along with other folks. (Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah) The network of friends keeps growing, along with the possibilities of further adventures.

Here’s another example. I went to Pennsylvania to visit my daughter and her family. I’d never been there before. I had the foresight to go there when there was a Trade Fair happening at Ft Loudin, PA.. I went to this trade fair not knowing a soul there. I met a cast of characters there that took me in like a long lost brother. This is another longer story, but the point is that I went back last year and these fellows put me up in their camp and again treated me again like a long lost brother (which this time I was). This time it was the Ft Frederick Trade Fair in Maryland.

Every time that I take the time, energy, chance to go somewhere far away I’ve never regretted it. Not every detail is always pleasant, but overall the pros over come the cons. The friends that I have made make every expense, every sacrifice made very well worthwhile. To those of you who know me, thanks for making my travels worthwhile. You make the travel, to make the travel or camp, so worth every ounce of effort . It is always an ADVENTURE, and it can’t be so if you don’t take the chance. Take the plunge. Venture out. Meet your brothers and sisters in far away places. See you down the trail. My camp will be open to you friends.


Randy Bublitz

N.A.F. #8


What you have just read has been the experience of many of us, personally I have traveled many of the same place as Randy mentioned, experienced the same kindness from folks just met. Like Randy says get out there, make contacts and just go for the adventurer. Truer words from those that have.



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updated  07/10/2009   

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