The Official on line magazine of the

North American Frontiersmen

Smoke Signals


   Meet your leader Ole Jensen

Greetings, friends, 

What a grand summer this has been for willing participants of the North American Frontiersmen! 

To date it has been an eventful year for the NAF. First, there have been new members signing on, and although we are still a small group of like-minded men and women, we are still bent on having fun every chance we get. 

Second and third, there were gatherings under the NAF banner twice so far this year: one outside Mesquite, Nevada (pronounced Nev a [as in prat] da, not Nev ah da) in the spring where the scenery was barren awesome desert sands and mountains, the weather was beautiful, the wind breathtaking, and the wildlife right up close and personal. The next event was our annual rendezvous held just outside Rye, Colorado (pronounced Colo ra [as in rat] do, not Colo rah do) in as awe inspiring setting as can be imagined. A creek ran through camp and tall trees provided shade sheltered the luxuriant green grass on which we pitched our tents. 

There were some great conversations around the campfires, and not just at the evening council ones either. And who could forget the chirping sounds of Pat Quilter's gourd banjo hear around camp or Bob Loyd's mouth harp wafting down from the hills? 

It was good to see old friends, especially Tom Roberts who dropped in from Florida

It was especially fun to watch or participate in the two day archery contest and the hiking and muzzle loader shooting. All were innovative and lots of fun. The only problem was that it was all too short. 

Since the rendezvous wrapped up there have been numerous complaints that folks just weren't ready to go home (even though they had to because of work or other pressing matters). Well, perhaps we can get another event set for fall. If not, next spring looms. 

Let us know if you have a preferred site to gather again. 

                                                                                 Until next time, I remain,


The attendees of the Second Annual NAF Encampment were:

. Patrick Quilter
. George Thompson
. Casey Hartman
. Daniel Sems
. John Kramer
. Steve Blades
. Don Keas
. Bob Loyd
. Ole Jensen
. Paul & Bonnie Jacobsen
. Mike Masterson & son Ethan

. Ellet Wilson
. Ferrell Peterson
. Randy Bublitz
. Michael Thornton & son Sean
. Michael Dempsey
. Mark Mueller
. Howdy Davis
. Bill Cunningham
. Tom Roberts
. Mark Cording


Our current balance is $1888.37. Our expenses for the Second Annual Encampment were $200 donation to the rancher and $230 for the hooters. We received $365 in donations from various members (thanks everyone!) With several more membership fees collected recently we are maintaining our account at a fairly steady level.  

Respectfully submitted.



dedicated to early American life on the frontier.

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